| Daily Schedule | Instructors/Staffs | Participants |

Program Activities in 2015


Day Morning Afternoon
Monday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break

2:00-3:00 Briefing: oral interview and written assignments.
3:00-5:00 Hands on activities: scheduled NGO site visits or
                other group activity.
Tuesday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-5:00 Optional activities: volunteer work, tutorial section or
                multimedia project.
Wednesday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-4:00 Cultural/art activities.
4:00-6:30 Meeting with tutor or free study time.
Thursday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Briefing: oral interview and written assignments.
3:00-5:00 Hands on activities: scheduled NGO site visits or
                other group activity.
Friday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Briefing. Sharing ideas.
3:00-5:00 Khmer culinary, dancing and singing classes.
Saturday Field Trip: full day activity
Sunday Free day



No Name Category/Area of Study ASK Position School/Employer
1 Sak-Humphry, Chhany
Linguistics/Foreign Language

Project Director/PI
University of Hawaii
2 Oeur, Sisotha
Education & Foreign Language
ASK Field Coordinator Prof. of Khmer Literature & Culture, Royal University of Phnom Penh
3 Soeung, Phos Education & Foreign Language Teaching Liaison for RUPP & ASK Director of Khmer Langauge Program, Royal University of Phnom Penh
4 Kep, Sokunthearath
<Sokunthearath@ yahoo.com>
Education & Foreign Language
ASK Professor Prof. of Khmer Language,
Institute of Foreign Languages
5 Vong, Chhorvy Language & Literature ASK Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, RUPP
6 Prum, Sisaphantha
Language & Literature ASK Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, RUPP



No Name Category/Area of Study School/Position
1 Bales, Brandon Linguistic Anthropology University of Arizona
2 Chhay, Kassandra Anthropology California State University, Long Beach
3 Chhun, Lina Gender Studies University of California, Los Angeles
4 Garber, Jessica Anthropology & Education Columbia University
5 Heng, Judy International Area Studies University of California, Berkeley
6 Hou, Heidi International Business California State University, Long Beach
7 Lamouth, Irrawaddy Ecology & Evolutionary / Marine Biology University of California, Los Angeles
8 Lav, Jimmy Business Administration California State University, Long Beach
9 Lock, Melisa Biology California State University, Long Beach
10 Sarun, Paul Psychology Northern Illinois University
11 Su, Christine Southeast Asian Studies / Anthropology Teacher / Administrator / Consultant
12 Ung, Kanika Food Science & Human Nutrition University of Hawaii, Manoa



Copyright © ADVANCED STUDY OF KHMER (ASK), All Right Reserved
This website is produced by Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry (sak@hawaii.edu)
:: University of Hawai�i at Manoa. U.S.A.