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ASK 2009 Class Photos

Program Activities in 2010

Kohsantepheap Daily   This is a newspaper article written about the ASK 2010 program by the Raksmey Kompuchea in Cambodia on July 28, 2010.

Click on the piciture to view a larger image.

Below is an English translation of the article.

Foreign students and professors search for greater understanding about the Khmer Culture and standard of living of the Khmer soldiers stationed at the Preah Vihear temple.

          The Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK) program conducted the activities in Cambodia in the period from June 14th to 06 th 2010. The purpose of this study tour are understanding the culture of Khmer people lives, and the life of Khmer solders at the Preas Vihea temple area. There are 11 students of The Advance Study of Khmer program (ASK) from different states such as Hawaii, Minnasota..etc.. and 2 other students of the program CAM 101 study at the Center for Khmer Studies (CKS). Both groups are led by Dr. Chhany Sak Hamphy and Mr. Michael Sullivan, and has cooperated with the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

          The activities in this program divided into several parts such as the homestay in Takeo province, field trip to Seam Reap and Pras Vihear. �On July 18th 2010, all students have visited some temples in Siem Reap and Preas Vihea temple. During that time this group also brings some things such pure drinking water, cigarettes, spaghetti, and some money for Khmer soldiers at the temple area. They meet H.E. Thol Sovann and then he expresses and appreciates greatly for meeting with this group.� The group of students and professors also admit the Khmer soldiers have a high sacrifice their lives to protect the country and temples from the Thai violence.




Day Morning Afternoon
Monday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break

2:00-3:00 Briefing: oral interview and written assignments.
3:00-5:00 Hands on activities: scheduled NGO site visits or
                other group activity.
Tuesday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-5:00 Optional activities: volunteer work, tutorial section or
                multimedia project.
Wednesday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-4:00 Cultural/art activities.
4:00-6:30 Meeting with tutor or free study time.
Thursday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Briefing: oral interview and written assignments.
3:00-5:00 Hands on activities: scheduled NGO site visits or
                other group activity.
Friday 8:00-12:00 Class
9:30-10:00 Break
2:00-3:00 Briefing. Sharing ideas.
3:00-5:00 Khmer culinary, dancing and singing classes.
Saturday Field Trip: full day activity
Sunday Free day


1. Morning Activities

Module   Lesson Module   Lesson
1   The History of Phnom Penh 12   Learning poem and story
2   Markets in Phnom Penh 13   Educational System in Cambodia
3   The History of Kok Dach 14   Educational System of the minor in Cambodia
4   Meal in Phnom Penh 15   Illiteracy in Cambodia
5   Farmers in Cambodia 16   Historical events in Seam Reap
6   Khmer house in Cambodia 17   Historical temples and Quiz 3
7   Traffic in Cambodia and Quiz 1 18   Health Events in Cambodia
8   Glasses seller 19   Abuse (human rigth, trafficking...)
9   Belief of Ethnics 20   Rape Situation in Cambodia
10   Life in Phnom Penh 21   Environment in Cambodia
11   History of Buddha and Quiz 2 22   Government Triangle

Video Classes
1   Thun Chey Story
2   A Khak and A Khan Story
3   Kong Hean Story
4   Phaka Sroporn Story

Click here to view the daily and weekly schedule.


2. Afternoon Activities
On Monday and Thursday afternoons, from approximately 3 pm to 5 pm, participants attended prearranged visits to various organizations, institutions or sites in Phnom Penh. These site visits offered participants an opportunity to learn about the activities of various organizations operating in Cambodia, to become knowledgeable of the research facilities available in Phnom Penh, to understand various aspects of Cambodian infrastructure and society and to speak and interact with all segments of Cambodian society (directors of NGOs, expert guest speakers in various fields, community leaders and Khmer people at all level).

No Site Visit Location City/Province
1 Apsara Arts Association (AAA) Phnom Penh
  A local organization established to preserve and promote traditional Cambodian arts and culture.

2 Open Institute and Khmer Unicode Center Phnom Penh
  Participants learned about and received Khmer language software.

3 Reyum Institute Phnom Penh
  A non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to Cambodian arts and culture. Reyum was founded by Ly Daravuth and Ingrid Muan (1964 - 2005) in December 1998 in order to provide a forum for research, preservation, and promotion of traditional and contemporary Cambodian arts and culture.

4 Mith Samlanh/Child Safe Organization (Friend) Phnom Penh

A local organization working with Cambodian street children, their families and the community to develop creative projects that effectively support the children to become in independent and productive members of the community.

- To learn about the situation of street children and orphans in Cambodia.
- To know the ways of assisting them and providing them many skills of living.

5 Buddhist Institute and Library Phnom Penh
  One of Phnom Penh�s premier libraries and research institute.

6 Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-CAM) Phnom Penh
  DC-Cam has two main objectives. The first is to record and preserve the history of the Khmer Rouge regime for future generations. The second is to compile and organize information that can serve as potential evidence in a legal accounting for the crimes of the Khmer Rouge.

- To understand the history of the Pol Pot regime.

7 Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO Cambodia) Phnom Penh
  Mental health program was established to improve the well-being of Cambodian people with psychosocial and mental health problems, thereby increasing their ability to function effectively within their work, family and community lives.

- To understand
the current mental issues in Cambodia.
- To know the way in which local organizations approach these issues.

8 People Improvement Organization (PIO) Phnom Penh
  It serves over 800 children a day through a variety of programs that include, non-formal education and vocational training. Through our programs we provide some of the most vulnerable women and children in Cambodia with hope for the future. To improve the lives of the Cambodian people through education which will lead to a life out of poverty.

To learn about the situation of the Cambodian people who are living near the garbage mountain.

9 National Library Phnom Penh
  Large research center containing a diverse collection.

10 National Archives Phnom Penh
  The National Archives of Cambodia (NAC) is a department of the Council of Ministers. The NAC is responsible for preserving documents, created by the Government of Cambodia, which possess enduring legal and historic value.

11 The Cham House of Emirates for Orphans

Phnom Penh
12 The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) Phnom Penh
  ADHOC's mission is to strengthen the capacity of ordinary citizens, enable them to defend their own rights and lobby and advocate for better governance and full respect for human rights that every citizen can practice.

- To understand the human right violence in Cambodia.
- To learn about way ADHOC helps the Cambodian people in the rural areas

13 Cambodian HIV/AIDS Education and Care (CHEC) Phnom Penh
  CHEC works to empower communities and the general public to address Tuberculosis (TB) / HIV / AIDS and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs); Gender and Reproductive Health and to reduce stigma and discrimination against PLHIV/AIDS and their families.

14 Royal Palace Phnom Penh
  A complex of royal buildings and palace of the monarchy.

15 Wat Phnom Phnom Penh
  Historical temple and the site of the founding of Phnom Penh.

16 Silver Pagoda Phnom Penh
  It is a notable wat (Buddhist temple) in Phnom Penh, and the official temple of the King of Cambodia. .

17 The National Museum of Cambodia Phnom Penh
  The Museum houses one of the world's greatest collections of Khmer cultural material including sculpture, ceramics and ethnographic objects from the prehistoric, pre-Angkorian, Angkorian and post-Angkorian periods. It promotes awareness, understanding and appreciation of Cambodia's heritage through the presentation, conservation, safekeeping, interpretation and acquisition of Cambodian cultural material. It aims to educate and inspire its visitors.


3. Weekend Activities
During the course of the program there were two weekend field trips to provincial regions outside of Phnom Penh.

No Site Visit Location City/Province
1 Kaoh Dach Kandal Province
  A large island on the Mekong River approximately twenty kilometers north of Phnom Penh. This activity helped the students understand the livelihood of those who live in the countryside and how they earn money to support their families.

2 Kep Kep Province
  A coastal provincial capital approximately 150 kilometers south of Phnom Penh. This activity helped the students understand the livelihood of the Cambodian people who live near the sea and their way of fishing.

3 Boat Trip Phnom Penh
  The students experienced the Cambodian way of transportation across the rivers, such as, by boat and ship. The students viewed the 4 rivers: Mekong, Sab, Basak Leu and Basak Krom, meet each other in front of the Royal Palace.

4 Chhoeung Ek and Toul Sleng Phnom Penh
  This trip served to educate the students about the true story of the Pol Pot regime. The students had the opportunity to see a "mountain" made up of skeletons and old clothes.

5 Siem Reap Siem Reap Province
  A field trip to Seam Reap and Preah Vihear from July 17 to 20, 2010. On July 18, the students and the professors went to Preas Vihear and the other days they stayed in Siem Reap. This field trip focused on the historical and cultural significances of the temples such as Angkor Wat, Bantey Srey, Angkor National Museum, Ta Prom, Bayon, Cultural Village, Khbal Spean and the other temples. Participants visited numerous sites with an archaeologist guide on a set schedule beginning from 6:30am and ending in the afternoon or evening. During this time, students also met with their professorss for approximately two hours daily to study some modules about the history and the current events related to the temples.


In the period from June 26 to July 30, 2010, the ASK program conducted the home-stay in Tram Kok district, Takeo province. All of 11 students stayed with 11 host families. In the morning, students did their small research in a group of 2 to 3 people, and then had classes in the afternoon. They also had the opportunities to eat Khmer food with their host family and visit the rural places.



No Name Category/Area of Study ASK Position School/Employer
1 Sak-Humphry, Chhany
Linguistics/Foreign Language

Project Director/PI
University of Hawaii
2 Oeur, Sisotha
Education & Foreign Language
ASK Field Coordinator Prof. of Khmer Literature & Culture, Royal University of Phnom Penh
3 Soeung, Phos Education & Foreign Language Teaching Liaison for RUPP & ASK Director of Khmer Langauge Program, Royal University of Phnom Penh
4 Van, Sovathana Language & Literature ASK Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, RUPP
5 Vong, Chhorvy Language & Literature ASK Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, RUPP



No Name Category/Area of Study School/Employer
1 Bun, Kim Computer Software Engineering Evergreen Valley College
2 Hing, Sokline Southeast Asian Studies University of California, Los Angeles
3 Hong, Jenny Political Science Saint Cloud State University
4 Howell, Jason Business Utah State University
5 Kour, Ra Pheng 4th Grade Teacher Battle Creek Elementary School
6 Lim, Leslie Biology / Political Science University of Hawaii
7 Mika, Joshua History University of Hawaii
8 Phorth, Amy Chemistry California State University, Fresno
9 Por, Prorseut Child Development San Jose City College
10 Sam, Collin Criminal Justice / Sociology California State University, Long Beach
11 Sok, Polina Health Care Administration California State University, Long Beach



No Name Project Title
1 Bun, Kim Telecom in Cambodia
2 Hing, Sokline History of Khmer Cultural Art
3 Hong, Jenny Cambodian Migration to UAS
4 Howell, Jason Cambodian Music
5 Kour, Ra Pheng 60 years of Diplomatic Relations between America and Cambodia
6 Lim, Leslie The history of UNTAC in Cambodia
7 Mika, Joshua DC-CAM Collection policies
8 Phorth, Amy Dental Care in Cambodia
9 Por, Prorseut Khmer Rouge Trials
10 Sam, Collin Human Rights in Cambodia
11 Sok, Polina Improvement of health care services for the impoverished in Cambodia



Copyright © ADVANCED STUDY OF KHMER (ASK), All Right Reserved
This website is produced by Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry (sak@hawaii.edu)
:: University of Hawai�i at Manoa. U.S.A.