Date: Thursday, February 27, 4:30 PMVenue: Tokioka Room (Moore 319)Reception: To follow The Department of…

Nor Ismah (MAAS 2012) Receives Ph.D.
Nor Ismah, who received her MA degree in Asian Studies in 2012, successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis at Leiden University (Netherlands) on 12 January 2023. The thesis is entitled “Women Issuing Fatwas: Female Islamic Scholars and Community-based Authority in Java, Indonesia.” Prof. B.A. Barendregt presented her certificate and Prof. F. de Ruiter (pro-Rector) presided. Ismah is currently Director of the Institute of Research and Community Service and Development at Nahdlatul Ulama University in Yogyakarta.

At UH Mānoa, Ismah researched young adult literature related to Islamic boarding schools or Pondok/Pesantren. This topic also remains part of her ongoing focus, and she was recently the only woman to present at a national conference on pesantren literature in Indonesia.
Congratulations to Nor Ismah on receiving her Ph.D. and on continuing to do excellent work in the academy and in the community!