David A.M. Goldberg

David A.M. Goldberg, Ph.D. is a San Francisco born-and-based writer, teacher, programmer, and media developer who has used a lifelong interest in art, culture and technology to transform the means by which people access, assess, and organize knowledge. He holds degrees in Computer Systems Engineering, and Visual Criticism, and graduated from the UH Mānoa Department of American Studies in 2021. His dissertation: “Becoming Digital Chattel: A Media Archaeology of Black Cybernetic Subjectivity and the Plantation Informatics of Internet Culture” explores the historical and technological continuities between chattel slavery, anti-Blackness, and surveillance capitalism. He is currently working for Disney Streaming Services as a Lead Product Designer in Inclusive Design: a full-spectrum, human-centered approach to authentic, ethical, and innovative representation that addresses user experience, content development, metadata taxonomies, and personalization algorithms.
