Parades & Processions of Edo, Japan

February 7, 2013

Please join us for an exciting series of events centering around parades and processions during the Edo era.

The exhibit runs February 7-22, 2013 at the UHM Art Gallery. Public lecture is on Sunday, February 10 at 1pm at the Center for Korean Studies Auditorium and is FREE, open to the public with FREE parking. Symposium is on Monday, February 11, 9:00-4:30 at the Center for Korean Studies Auditorium. Please see schedules for: public lecture and symposium.

These events are sponsored by UHM Outreach College, Center for Okinawan Studies, Center for Japanese Studies, Department of Art & Art History, Department of History, National Museum of Japanese History (Japan), The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Japan), UHM Library, and Consulate General of Japan at Honolulu.

More information about these events can be found at:


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