Notice from EWC: Extended Deadline for Obuchi Scholarships for Current MA and PhD UHM Students

January 18, 2013

Dear Professor Chinen,

The East-West Center offers scholarships for Okinawan students from Okinawa, and the application deadline has been extended to January 31, 2013 for MA and PhD students who are currently enrolled at UHM.

We would appreciate any assistance you might be able to offer by posting the attached announcement, or posting a link to the Obuchi Student Scholarship on the Center for Okinawan Studies website.

We have reached out to current and recent recipients of the Obuchi Student Scholarship to help get the word out in the student community.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us reach out to potential applicants.


Mary Hammond | Dean, Education Program | East-West Center | 808.944.7766

Application Deadline Extended for the 2013 Obuchi Scholarship

The Obuchi Student Scholarship Overview
Obuchi Student Scholarships support Okinawan students for the Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) or for graduate degree study at the University of Hawai‘i in fields deemed beneficial to Okinawan development needs.  These scholarships are offered through the East-West Center’s partnership with the Obuchi Okinawa Education and Research Program, a joint venture of the United States and Japanese governments. The program’s mission is to help Okinawa develop and strengthen its human resources in order to take a more proactive role in Asia Pacific intellectual, research, and business activities.

Obuchi Student Scholarship for Graduate Degree Study
Obuchi Student Scholarship recipients participate in educational and research programs at the East-West Center while pursuing master’s or doctoral degree study at the University of Hawai‘i. The East-West Center and the University of Hawai‘i, located in a unique island setting with a distinctive multicultural heritage, offer premier resources for studies on Asia, the Pacific, and the United States.  Through East-West Center affiliation, awardees become part of a growing network of students and alumni forging the shape and substance of the world’s most vibrant region.

Master’s and doctoral degree fellows have opportunities to enhance their degree studies by participating in graduate certificate programs offered in leadership studies, international cultural studies, global health and population studies, conflict resolution, or disaster management and humanitarian assistance.

Extended Deadline:  January 31, 2013 for Obuchi applicants already enrolled in a Master’s or doctoral degree program at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
(Note:  The deadline for new student applications has passed.)

Application Materials Available Online:
Click here for flyer.


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