Curriculum & Course Offerings

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The UH Marine Biology Graduate Program (MBGP) is an interdisciplinary degree program.  Students enrolled in the MBGP may complete courses from a variety of curricula to fulfill degree requirements.  

Courses cover subject areas that  include Marine Biology (MBIO), Botany (BOT), HWST (Hawaiian Studies), Natural Resource Management (NREM), Oceanography (OCN) and Zoology (ZOO).

Course in the MBGP Curriculum

Marine Biology

MBIO 600 Kûlana Noi‘i: Introduction to Place-Based Methodologies in Hawai‘i (2 cr) 
Lectures, discussions, and service-learning organized to deepen understanding in: what is a research paradigm; how methods are developed in research designs; and new knowledge for place-based research. Non-traditional schedule Meets the first two weeks of August + monthly meetings during the Fall semester. Required for all incoming MBGP students. 

MBIO 610 Mathematical Ecology Marine Systems (3 cr) 
Introduction to a broad range of theories and techniques from mathematical ecology with an emphasis on marine systems. Students will learn to assess model assumptions, construct simple models and apply analytical methods to describe system behavior.  Graduate students in MBIO, ZOOL, BOT and OCN programs only. Prerequisite: one semester of calculus. 

MBIO 612 Data Science Fundamentals in R (3 cr)
Introduces project management, data analysis, and mathematical and statistical modeling using R as a platform. Students will learn principles and benefits of programming languages to apply skills to their own research. (3 hr Lec/Lab)

MBIO 620 Behavioral Ecology of Coral Reef Fishes (3 cr) 
Introduction to processes that affect animal behavior and their significance. Exploring a broad range of techniques for studying behaviors of fishes, students will use new techniques in their own research. 

MBIO 621 Respiratory Processes in Coral Reef Organisms (3 cr) 
Multidisciplinary course introduces the respiratory system of fishes and other reef taxa and its significance for ecology and behavior. Students will learn theory, principles, and how to design/execute experiments for their own research. Graduate students in MBIO, ZOOL, BOT, and OCN programs only.

MBIO 630 Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science (3 cr)
Introduction to tools for the discovery, access, and application of remote sensing for their own research in marine biology, including best practices for data collection, synthesis, and project management. 

MBIO 640 Coral Reef Structure and Function (3 cr) 
Linking organismal traits and habitat features with ecosystem function. Hands-on course with coral reef fieldwork, exposure to new technology, and the potential to develop independent projects in publications. 

MBIO 650 Marine Mammal Science and Conservation (3 cr) 
Course covers the most pressing conservation issues for marine mammals.  Includes a hands-on field component using traditional and novel techniques to inform their management.   Graduate students in MBIO, ZOOL, BOT and OCN programs only. 

MBIO 691B Seminar in Marine Biology: General Marine Biology (1 cr) 
A weekly programmatic seminar with research presentations from MBGP faculty, students, and other marine biology researchers. 

MBIO 691C Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Fisheries and Natural Resource Management (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions.   Specific topics vary.   Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691D Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Conservation Biology (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions. Specific topics vary. Offered intermittently. 

MBIO 691E Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Education, Outreach and Policy (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions.   Specific topics vary.   Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691F Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Physiology, Behavior and Organismal Biology (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions. Specific topics vary. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691G Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Population Biology and Ecology (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions. Specific topics vary. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691H Seminar in Marine Biology: Marine Community and Ecosystem Ecology (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions.  Specific topics vary.   Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691H Seminar in Marine Biology: Professional Development for Marine Biologists (1 cr) 
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions. Specific topics vary. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 691J Seminar in Marine Biology: Seminar at HIMB (1 cr)
A weekly seminar with reading and discussions. Specific topics vary. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 695 Place-Based Pedagogy for Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (1 cr)
This seminar course provides students an introduction to evidence-based teaching methods and place-based educational theory framed within marine course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs). Professional advancement will be supported as participants learn about, discuss, and develop inclusive marine science lesson modules for delivery in an immersive CURE. Topics will also cover strategies for respectfully contextualizing marine science concepts with Indigenous and Western worldviews, in accordance with UHM’s strategic goal of becoming a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning.  (corequisite MBIO 795)

MBIO 710 Topics in Marine Fisheries and Natural Resource Management (1-3 cr) 
Specific content varies. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 715 Topics in Marine Conservation Biology (1-3 cr) 
Marine Conservation Biology :  This course covers a variety of topics pertaining to the conservation of marine biodiversity and living resources. Specific topics will be chosen by the class. The course includes lectures, library research, student presentations, debates, and discussions of timely, controversial issues. There will be about 12 debates, starting the third week of class, with assigned readings for both sides of each debate. A team of students will be responsible for organizing each debate. All students are expected to complete assigned readings and library research every week and contribute to debates and group discussions. Attendance is mandatory. 

MBIO 720 Topics in Marine Education, Outreach and Policy (1-3 cr) 
Specific content varies. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 725 Topics in Marine Marine Physiology, Behavior and Organismal Biology (1-3 cr) 
Specific content varies. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 740 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Biology (2-4 credits) 
Specific content varies. Offered intermittently.

MBIO 795 Internship in College Teaching – Marine Science (1-6 cr) 
Provide graduate students an opportunity to apply teaching and mentoring skills under faculty supervision in a marine science learning environment (e.g., undergraduate research course). Students will practice evidence-based pedagogy framed around course-based research experiences (CBRE) in a place-based context. Professional advancement will be supported as participants engage in developing and delivering inclusive marine science modules combined with mentoring student research. (corequisite MBIO 695)


BOT 669 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (3 cr) 
Molecular approaches to evolution, phylogenetics, and systematics. Basic use of chloroplast DNA, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, and electrophoresis. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, distance, and comparative methods. 

BOT 682 Physiological Ecology of Marine Plants (3 cr) 
Discussion of current studies in morphological, physiological, cellular, and molecular adaptation to marine environments by macroalgae, phytoplankton, and seagrasses. 

Hawaiian Studies

HWST 631 Pono Science: Ethical Implications of Science in Hawai‘i (1 cr) 
Support student dialogue on the foundations of pono science. Through discussions and structured guidance, students will explore Hawaiian ethics, implications of research, and decolonizing methodology. 

Natural Resource Management

NREM 668 People and the Sea: Exploring Multiple Perspectives for Coastal and Marine Systems (3 cr) 
Through readings and discussion, this course explores how the social sciences have engaged in marine and coastal spaces and how they contribute to advancing effective and equitable resource management and conservation. Cross Listed MBIO 668


OCN 626 Marine Microplankton Ecology (4 cr) 
Distribution, abundance, and ecology of marine microplankton, including bacteria, algae, and protozoans, with an emphasis on metabolic rates and processes.(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) 

OCN 627 Ecology of Pelagic Marine Animals (4 cr) 
Ecology of pelagic animals including feeding, energetics, predation, and anti-predation tactics. Life-history strategies, vertical flux of materials, population dynamics, fisheries. Pre: consent. (Spring only) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) 

OCN 628 Ecology of Pelagic Marine Animals (4 cr) 
Processes controlling the structure and function of benthic communities, including organism-sediment-flow interactions, sediment geochemistry, feeding strategies, recruitment, succession, and population interactions. OCN and MB majors only. Pre: consent. (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) 

OCN 630 Deep Sea Biology (3 cr) 
Biology and ecology of deep-sea organisms and communities. Topics include bentho-pelagic coupling, depth zonation, energetics, diversity, adaptations, hydrothermal vents, seamounts, abyssal plains, deep-sea resource extraction, and global climate change. Pre: consent.  (1.5h Lec, 1.5h Lab, Alt. years) 

OCN 680 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological Physical Interactions in the Ocean (3 cr) 
Combined lecture/discussion examining biological and physical interactions in the oceans and their impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: previous course in marine science, or consent. (Alt. years)

OCN 683 Advanced Statistics in R (3 cr) 
In-depth introduction to the modern statistical methods necessary for analyzing biological/ ecological data, including GLMs, GAMs, mixed models, ordination, etc. Students will learn how to perform these methods in R. (2 hr Lec, 1 hr Lab) 


ZOOL 606 & ZOOL 606L Animal Behavior & Lab (3 + 1 cr) 
Lectures and critical discussions on the mechanisms of animal behavior, social and interspecific behaviors, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary theory.  Lab: Group or individual research projects depending on interest of students

ZOOL 625 Evolution in Marine Systems (3 cr) 
Fundamental elements of modern evolutionary theory and research, with a strong focus on marine organisms and ecosystems. A-F only. Pre: instructor approval. 

ZOOL 631 Introduction to Statistical Modeling in Biology (4 cr) 
Statistical methods for biological research. Covers: probability; likelihood-based inference; hypothesis testing; linear and generalized linear models; common statistical tests; statistical programming. Pre: MATH 215 or 216 or 241 or 251A or NREM 203 (or equivalent), or consent.  (3 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion)