Restoring Magical Kingdom
Last year, Disneyʻs Aulani made a community gift to help fund the restoration of our Hawaiian language newspapers. To read more, click here.
Hawaii congressional team honors UH delegation
The University of Hawaiʻi has a huge presence at this year’s Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C., where students, faculty, staff and a supporting community are sharing their knowledge of agriculture, Hawaiian health and healing, aquaponics and other specialties…
UH Manoa loi patch will be replicated on National Mall
There’s a small taro farm nestled next to the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa’s Hawaiian studies department that will be getting some international attention this summer. Ka Papa Loʻi ʻO Kānewai will be featured on the National Mall in…
Mahalo to OHA
Significantly situated next to a lush and tranquil taro patch, UH Mānoa’s Hawai‘inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge appropriately nurtures the roots of the native culture that makes these islands so special. And, in four short years, there’s no question…
Leeward Coast kids explore academia in UH visit
More than 300 Leeward Oahu students are converging on the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa campus this week to get a taste of college life... To read more, click here.
All things Hawaiian
When UH Mānoa Dean Maenette Ah Nee-Benham is asked about her vision for Hawai‘inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, she says she looks no further than Ka Papa Loʻi O Kānewai, the loʻi or taro patch, located a stone’s throw away…
UH school receives $2M endowment
Judith Pyle, a business executive and Honolulu resident, recently established a $2 million endowment for the dean’s position at the UH-Manoa Hawaiinuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge. “It takes a very special person, with insight and a spirit of generosity,…