Cuban Beef Stew

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  • SERVING SIZE 1 cup
image descriptionIngredients
  • 1 lb Flank steak, lean
  • 2 tsp Olive oil
  • 12 oz Beer, light
  • 4 cups Beef broth, reduced sodium-(add water to cover, about 3 cups)
  • 1/4 tsp Cloves, ground
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon, ground
  • 2 each, Onion, medium, julienne
  • 4 each, Bell pepper, sweet, large, julienne
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Capers, in brine, drained
  • 4 each, Tomatoes, julienne
  • 3 each, Zucchini, julienne (about 12 oz)
  • 4 bunches Chives, garlic (nira), cut into 2-inch lengths
  • 1 can Black beans, low sodium, rinsed and drained
image descriptionDirections
  1. Cut steak into 6 even size pieces.
  2. Add 2 tsp oil to an 8 quart pot and brown the meat on both sides.
  3. Add beer, scraping bottom of pot clean, add broth, water and spices.
  4. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce to simmer.
  5. When meat is tender (approximately 1-1/2 hr), remove from pot and shred meat with 2 forks.
  6. Return to pot with onions, garlic and capers, cook 15 minutes.
  7. Add tomatoes, zucchini and chives and cook till just tender about 5 minutes.
  8. Optional: garnish with shredded iceberg lettuce, cilantro and minced jalapeno peppers. Suggest serving with brown rice.

  • Nira is the flat Asian variety of chive. They are grown in Hawaii and are available at most farmers� markets and Chinatown markets. Chives, like all fresh herbs, should be added last in the cooking process so its fragrance will not be cooked off. Flank steak is one of the lean cuts of meat best for low fat recipes.