
Local Snack Foods

Want to learn about the nutrient content of crack seed, arare, nuts, candy, dried seafood, and miscellaneous "local kine" snacks? Hawai‘i is home to a wide array of salty, sweet, sour, chewy, and, for the uninitiated, just plain strange snacks. Japanese immigrants brought rice crackers - arare - seasoned with seaweed, while the Chinese brought dried fruits known as li hing mui, or crack seed. Dried seafood snacks also have Asian origins, and there are also foods that are purely Island style, such as Hurricane popcorn. While not rich in nutrients, many local snacks are lower in fat (though higher in sodium) than American snacks. To avoid eating a day's worth of sodium and too many calories, note the serving size and eat that amount. Don't eat the whole package - share it with friends while you relax and "talk story."

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