Collections – UHM Congressional Papers, Thomas P. Gill
Repository name: Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Collection, UH Mānoa Library
Address: 2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822
Hours of operation: Check website
Rules or restrictions: Pencils only in reading room; must place bags in locker; check website for current information
Copy policies, duplication fees: Scanning workstation available; ok to photograph non-restricted material
Parking: Paid parking on campus, very limited street parking in surrounding neighborhoods; accessible by bus
Video: Kealohi Minami, Research in the Hawaiʻi Congressional Papers Collection
Source of records: MANUSCRIPT-HCPC00004: Thomas P. Gill Papers
Subjects, events, etc. covered: Subjects documented include information about legislation amendments, preliminary studies, and planning documents for H-3 construction such as a realignment through Haʻikū. Important legislation discussed and amended in detail includes the Federal Aid Highway Act of both 1963 and 1964 which established funding and parameters of construction to be a part of the Federal Defense Highway System; the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 that outlines qualifications for areas like Moanalua, Hālawa, and Haʻikū to join the historic register; and O’ahu Transportation Study of 1970 that is frequently referenced as quantitative evidence for justification of construction. At this point in time, H-1 is an area of contention that may give insight to the tensions carried into H-3 construction. A number of documents reference a “new elevated freeway” that indicate the conversation did not include an official name for H-3 yet. Document types include bills and proposed amendments; newspaper clippings; correspondence (for and against the H-3) with groups like Outdoor Circle; transcriptions of remarks made in formal meetings; correspondence with Hawaiʻi congressmen; public hearing records; and reports and maps of Hālawa Heights.
Date range of records: 1950 – 2005; Majority of material for H-3 found within 1963 – 1970
Volume/extent: 98 Linear Feet
Citation or location information (call number, collection number, record group, series, box, etc.) that would help a researcher request the materials:
Gill papers: Political Offices: U.S. House: Federal Depts: Defense
Gill papers: Political Offices: U.S. House: Subjects
Gill papers: Political Offices: LG: Fed-State projects: Transportation
Gill papers: Political Offices: LG: Subjects: Population census statistics
Gill papers: Political Offices: LG: Subjects: Transit planning, transportation
Anything digitized already?
Parties mentioned:
- Senator Spark M. Matsunaga
- Outdoor Circle
- Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation
- The Honolulu Advertiser
- Committee on Land and Natural Resources