Collections – Hawaiʻi State Archives, John Waiheʻe
Repository name: Hawaiʻi State Archives
Address: 364 S. King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Rules or restrictions: Required check-in with Patron Registration system and government issued photo; pencils and bound materials only in reading room, loose papers will be stapled before entering; must place bags in locker; no food or drinks allowed.
Copy policies, duplication fees: Scanning workstation available; ok to photograph non-restricted material and forms must be signed to provide for photography from any personal device while in the State Archives; suggested to bring flash drive.
Parking: Paid parking at the site. Please be prepared to bring quarters if you are driving in a personal vehicle. The location in downtown Honolulu makes several bus routes available to those situated in nearby areas.
Video: Kealohi Minami, Research at the Hawaiʻi State Archives
Source of records: Administration of Governor John Waiheʻe
Subjects, events, etc. covered: Governor Waihe‘e’s records capture the latter half of H-3 construction in areas such as North Hālawa, Halekou, and Luluku. Points of interest in construction describe the Trans-Ko‘olau Tunnel, H-3 Windward Viaduct Project, Animal Quarantine Station Replacement, Halekou Interchange, and sourcing of miners. There are numerous legislation in full like HR 1351 and Surface Transportation Act; The boxes also includes correspondence with Bishop Museum about establishing North Hālawa’s cultural significance, Mr. Nakamura’s termination for whistleblowing, and correspondence regarding the return of ‘iwi kūpuna (ancestral remains). Other important topics contained within these files explore a highway funding deficit, FY 1992 Planning funds, taxes and the Highway Trust Fund, and groundbreaking ceremony planning and details. Document types include legislation; correspondence between government offices and departments; correspondence with the public and news outlets; newspaper articles; and official reports and proposals for budgets.
Date range of records: Two terms available: 1986-1990, 1989-1993
Volume/extent: 1986-1990: 23.46 cubic feet in 37 7.5-inch boxes and one 5-inch box; 1989-1993: 82 cubic feet in 164 6-inch boxes
Restrictions, if any: Certain information is redacted and is subject to review therefore it’s recommended to request documents for viewing before going in
Citation or location information (call number, collection number, record group, series, box, etc.) that would help a researcher request the materials
500-5-24 Executive Department: Transportation: H-3 Highway
500-5-23 Executive Department: Transportation: Highways
500-24-12 Executive Department: Transportation: General
500-24-16 Executive Department: Transportation: Highways
500-32-18 Executive Department: Transportation: Highways
500-147-5 Department of Transportation 1991: General: Engle-I
500-147-7 Department of Transportation 1991: Official: January-May
500-148-1 Department of Transportation 1991: June-December
500-150-2 Department of Transportation 1992: Highways: D-J
500-150-4 Department of Transportation 1992: Highways Division, Official
Anything digitized already?
Parties mentioned:
- Hawai‘i Department of Transportation
- United States Senate
- Bishop Museum
- Dr. W. Donald Duckworth
- Daniel K. Inouye
- George R. Ariyoshi
- Samuel K. Skinner (Secretary of Transportation)
- Thomas D. Larson (Federal Highway Administration)
- Richard S. H. Wong (President of the Senate)
- Daniel S. Kihano (Speaker of the House)
- Rubellite Kawena Johnson (UH kumu)
- Lela Malina Hubbard (Nā Koa Ikaika)
- Honolulu Star Bulletin
- Honolulu Advertiser
- Sierra Club
- Hui Mālama ‘Aina o Ko‘olau
- Daniel Yanagida
- Barry Nakamura