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The Teacher

The teacher community gathers reviews, comments and related conversations in one place. You can search for and reply to other membersʻ posts here.

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Aloha Teachers, The Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) in collaboration with the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program invite you to apply for the Science Teachers Aboard Research Ships (STARS) program. The STARS program is a professional development opportunity for teachers to join C-MORE and the HOT group on a 5 day research cruise aboard The University of Hawaii’s research vessel Kilo Moana. During the cruise, you will work with other teachers and scientists to conduct oceanographic sampling, data processing and analysis.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
3 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

/Volumes/Data/Users/dvanravenswaay/Desktop/Module 1 Lesson Plan DanV.docx

I don't see anywhere else set up to receive Mod 1 lesson plans as requested in Joanna's 9/13/12 email, so I'll stick it here.

P.S. I added the requested TSI Phase Diagram for this lesson by editing this post just now, 9.27.2012. Piece-of-cake.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
8 Replies

This is a full class of students who were observed.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

This is a good website design.

Content Referenced: Introduction to Density
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

I am finally exploring this website a bit more and I wanted to say that I really like the way things are laid out. This would work great with students if they had regular internet access in the classroom, through laptop carts or 1:1. Hopefully we teachers will be able to deliver content in this type of format sometime soon =D For now, I am making do with Google Docs shared folders and uploading files to my webpage so that when students miss class, they can download and print things at home.

Content Referenced: Ocean Basins and Continents
0 Replies

We just finished this sequence last week and then I looked at the diagrams here!

I will definitely check earlier next time because a lot has been updated since the version I used last year, especially the Figures. They are much more high resolution and print-ready and in color! =)

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I think this is where we post our comments and lesson plans. I'm not quiet sure where to find the survey that we are suppose to complete prior to today's meeting, I'll keep digging and hopefully find it soon. I decided to do the density bags activity because it tied in what I am currently covering in class. The students really enjoy the activity and I heard a lot of "oooohh or that's cool". We did a little problem with the bags leaking on the sides but it didn't interfere with the lesson. Great activity!

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

As someone who is familiar with the way students misread questions, I have a small problem with the Physical Science Pretest questions #6 and #9. Knowing Oceanography 101 content, I have a problem with the wording of the best answer for question #2. Question #4 simply does not include a correct answer.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

I did this lesson and prepped the water baths the morning of the lesson, I got ice from the cafeteria and used my coffee pot and hot plates to heat water. It was a neat activity for the kids - they really enjoyed it, but I found that it really takes alot of prep! Best to plan to have help. I had 7 groups of kids exploring, and I found that I also needed alot of containers to prep all the different types of water!

Content Referenced: Activity: Density Bags
0 Replies

2013 Call For Applications The NOAA Teacher at Sea Program call for applications for the 2013 field season will be open October 1 – 31, 2012. If you are interested in applying, you may preview a PDF of the application on their website: The deadline for applications is October 31, 2012 at 5 p.m. ET

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies

2013 Call For Applications

The NOAA Teacher at Sea Program call for applications for the 2013 field season will be open October 1 – 31, 2012. If you are interested in applying, you may preview a PDF of the application on their website:

The deadline for applications is October 31, 2012 at 5 p.m. ET

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

I am worried about the logistics of keeping water hot/warm and especially about keeping the cold water cold. I have no refrigerator. Also, if I get the bags ready ahead of time, do I have to keep them warm/cold overnight? Will they change? Thanks!

Content Referenced: Activity: Density Bags
1 Reply

I also posted it under Danv's original post. Just learnin...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

While explaining the lesson to 7th graders, I found using the terminology for "practices" of scientists challenging for students to understand. In addition, I asked students "what do scientists do in their job?" using verbs and then, they were able to start making their lists. In place of "demeanors," I explained it to students as "characteristics" or "values" of scientists. The explanation was easier for middle school students of average ability.

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.