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Mod 2 Lesson 2 Conductivity Phase Diagram

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Mod 2 Lesson Plan 2 Conductivity

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

As I was mentally visualizing how this activity would go, I found myself struggling with the hypotheses at the end of each section. I also was pretty sure my students would be confused as well, especially since they had already made a prediction at the beginning. I've only completed Part A so far, and sure enough, all,students struggled with the hypothesis. I helped them out with this first one, so hopefully they'll be able to independently do the others.

Content Referenced: Activity: Cohesion and Adhesion
1 Reply

Attached is my TSI Lesson Plan for the activity "Properties of Water".

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

This activity was difficult for me because it was more paper oriented rather than hands on.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Attached is my lesson plan for the electrolysis activity, please ignore the other posts the wrong document was upload and I don't know how to delete them.

Content Referenced: Module 2
3 Replies

attached is my lesson plan for the electrolysis lab.

Content Referenced: Module 2
4 Replies

Fun lesson with the op of a splint test in the end to really get the kids.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

I liked this actvity, but I think the follow up with the Hoffman apparatus is key. I had a really hard time finding a non U tube video to illustrate the gas testing portion. Maybe in future mod.2 bags you could include a video of the testing so that if links expire, we still have a video to use?!

Content Referenced: Activity: Electrolysis of Water
2 Replies

I liked this activity alot - students were focused and noticing both the things I wanted them to see and other things as well!! Yeah!

Content Referenced: Activity: Electrolysis of Water
1 Reply

So... this is my Phases of Inquiry Lesson Plan. I went rogue and did my own thing with it. I used a rock cycle simulation using crayons that I tried to design using Phases of Inquiry. Let's see how well it worked.

Content Referenced: Module 2
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

... themselves is waaaaay better than just having them read about it in a book or trying to figure out the periodic table's patterns themselves. Thanks!

0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

attached is my lesson plan for the electrolysis lab.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Lesson Plan

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.