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I thought this would be really great in class and relate to probability in Math. we were doing probability, the timing was perfect and we have prior knowledge from Malama Aina and Social Studies about how species change due to environmental changes...what i didn't expect....students to make paperclip necklaces ....somehow, i don't think it is the material so much as perhaps classroom mgmt...however, I was relieved at our TSI group follow up to learn that my class was not the only class to decide to make paperclip necklaces...yay!

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
2 Replies

I am looking forward to the field trip this weekend, and frankly, one less day in that little room will work for me!

A hui hou,

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

The students enjoyed this activity but they enjoyed it more when I switched the paperclips for Hershey's kisses (plain and almond). I did this for the 2nd go-around and as a special treat before spring break.

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Here is a website I found featuring nice information and excellent prints from the Big Island

Content Referenced: What is a Fish?
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

I feel like practices of scientists, language, and the phases/modes lesson would be better to do in the beginning. Is there a reason why they are spread out or maybe its just with my kids but they often feel like the lessons are out of place.

Content Referenced: Module 3
1 Reply

sorry I put this post just under the mod 3 sections so I'm re-posting it =)

I feel like all of the "practices" lessons would have been better placed at the beginning of the program. my students keep feeling like whenever we do these lessons they are out of place. I really liked the practices of scientists lesson and even the scientific language lesson but would really like to do them at the beginning of the year. I always wondered if there was a reason why they just werent done all in the first mod.

Content Referenced: Scientific Investigation Skills
0 Replies

This lesson brought all levels of students down to the same beginner level. Sometimes the most academically motivated students who seem to "know it all" has the least amount of experience and can then learn from the average student population. Artwork and science links are a great way of bringing home science for all students. Just today, I viewed a real gyotaku print framed in a jeweler's shop. I now appreciate gyotaku more as a teacher since I now know how much skill is needed to produce a great piece of art.

Content Referenced: What is a Fish?
1 Reply

This was a good hands on activity for all levels of students which required little resources. After adequate preparation and review, students were able to understand the concepts of mutant and typical bacteria within a population. It was important to use the proper vocabulary in explaining the activity so students would relate the paperclips to bacteria. Through peer teaching and application, students were able to share and teach other students how to properly conduct the activity for their varying levels of understanding.

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
0 Replies

A very visual way to see how change can occur in a population. Making a graph just drives the point home. Very easy to do with paperclips or a bag of beans, etc.

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Students seemed to really enjoy this activity. Not only did everybody participate, but everybody learned something too! Before tackling this activiy, students had asked if individuals can "evolve." This activity give a very clear answer and illustrates in a fun way the process of natural selection.

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
1 Reply

My students really enjoyed this activity. It also became a great opportunity for them to share all of the things that interest them related to DNA & genetics, ethics, and CSI topics. With an 11th grade class, the activity doesn't take very long, and more time can be spent discussing student answers to activity questions.

Content Referenced: Activity: Modeling Evolution
0 Replies

This activity is an excellent way to engage students in learning the form and function of the external anatomy fish. My students remained engaged throughout the activity.

Content Referenced: What is a Fish?
0 Replies
Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

this is my first lesson plan (and last uploaded... hooray for crazy order!). I re-did the Phases and Modes from last module, but I wanted to focus more on the mode function. Not sure I succeeded but *shrug* thems the shakes.

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Re-posting this here

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.