Congratulations to our graduates! Here is where they are today.
Tanisha Aflague, PhD, MS, RD
Title & Employer
Assistant Professor of Nutrition & EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Coordinator at the University of Guam
Dissertation Topic
Addressing childhood obesity through surveillance, novel assessments, and enhancement of summer enrichment programs in Guam.
Academic Highlights
- Esquivel MK, Fialkowski MK, Aflague T, Novotny R. Engaging Head Start Teachers on Wellness Policy Implementation to Improve the Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment in Head Start Classrooms: A Qualitative Study of the Children’s Healthy Living Program (CHL) in Hawai’i. J Fam Med Community Health 2016; 3(5): 1094.
- Aflague TF, Boushey CJ, Leon Guerrero RT, Ahmad Z, Kerr DA, Delp EJ. Feasibility and Use of the Mobile Food Record for Capturing Eating Occasions among Children Ages 3–10 Years in Guam. Nutritents 2015; 7:4403-4415. doi:10.3390/nu7064403
- Boushey CJ, Hanbury AJ, Kerr DA, Schapp TE, Paterson S, Aflague TF, Bosch M, Ahmad Z, Delp EJ. The mobile food record: how willing are adolescents to record? JMIR mHealth uHealth 2015; 3(2):e47. doi:10.2196/mhealth.4087
Monica Esquivel, PhD, MS, RD
Title & Employer
Assistant Professor (Director of Dietetics Program) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Dissertation Topic
Childcare Center Wellness Policy Implementation for Childhood Obesity Prevention
Academic Highlights
Esquivel MK, Nigg C, Fialkowski MK, Braun K, Li F, Novotny R. Head Start Wellness Policy Intervention in Hawaii: A project of the Children’s Healthy Living Program (CHL). Childhood Obesity. 2016; 12 (1).
- Esquivel, MK, Nigg C, Fialkowski JK, Braun K, Li F, Novotny R. Influence of teachers’ personal health behaviors on operationalizing obesity prevention policy in Head Start preschools: A project of the Children’s Healthy Living Program (CHL). In press: Journal for Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Cheryl Gibby, PhD, MS

Dissertation Topic
Maternal and infant factors involved in overweight/obesity and the acceptability of a text message-based intervention aimed at reducing excessive infant weight gain
Academic Highlights
- Gibby CLK, Palacios C, Campos M, Graulau RE, Banna J. Acceptability of a text message-based intervention for obesity prevention in infants from Hawai’i and Puerto Rico WIC. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019;19(1):291. doi:10.1186/s12884-019-2446-9
- Gibby CLK, Palacios C, Campos M, Lim E, Banna J. Associations between gestational weight gain and rate of infancy weight gain in Hawai’i and Puerto Rico WIC participants. BMC Obes. 2018;5:41. doi:10.1186/s40608-018-0219-z
- Gibby CLK, Palacios C, Campos M, Lim E, Banna J. Breastfeeding discontinuation not associated with maternal pregravid BMI but associated with Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander race in Hawaii and Puerto Rico WIC participants. Matern Child Health J. July 2018. doi:10.1007/s10995-018-2587-x
- Palacios C, Campos M, Gibby C, Meléndez M, Lee JE, Banna J. Effect of a Multi-Site Trial using Short Message Service (SMS) on Infant Feeding Practices and Weight Gain in Low-Income Minorities. J Am Coll Nutr. 2018;0(0):1-9. doi:10.1080/07315724.2018.1454353
- Banna J, Campos M, Gibby C, et al. Multi-site trial using short mobile messages (SMS) to improve infant weight in low-income minorities: Development, implementation, lessons learned and future applications. Contemp Clin Trials. 2017;62(Supplement C):56-60. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2017.08.011.
Michelle Mosley, PhD, MS, CBA

Title & Employer
ASenior Service Fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dissertation Topic
Cultural Attitudes and Beliefs on Diet and Physical Activity in Early Adolescents and Influence on Weight and Dietary Intake
Academic Highlights
- Mosley, M.A., Andrade, F.C.D., Aradillas-Garcia, C., Teran-Garcia, M. Consumption of Dairy and Metabolic Syndrome Risk in a Convenient Sample of Mexican College Applicants. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2013, 4, 56-65.
- Teran-Garcia, M., Andrade, F.C.D., Vazquez-Vidal, I., Mosley, M., Medina-Cerda, E., Aradillas-Garcia, C. FTO genotype is associated with body mass index and waist circumference in Mexican young adults. Open Journal of Genetics, 2013, 3, 44-48.
David E. St-Jules, RDN, PhD
Title & Employer
Assistant Professor in Nutrition at the University of Nevada, Reno
Dissertation Topic
Association of Fish and Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Pediatric Liver Diseases
Academic Highlights
St-Jules DE, Marinaro M, Goldfarb DS, Byham-Gray LD, Wilund KR. Managing Hyperkalemia: Another Benefit of Exercise in People With Chronic Kidney Disease? [published online ahead of print, 2019 Nov 22]. J Ren Nutr. 2019;S1051-2276(19)30355-3. doi:10.1053/j.jrn.2019.10.001
St-Jules DE, Goldfarb DS, Popp CJ, Pompeii ML, Liebman SE. Managing protein-energy wasting in hemodialysis patients: A comparison of animal- and plant-based protein foods. Semin Dial. 2019;32(1):41-46. doi:10.1111/sdi.12737
- St-Jules, David E; Goldfarb, David S; Pompeii, Mary Lou; Liebman, Scott E; Sherman, Richard A. Assessment and misassessment of potassium, phosphorus, and protein in the hemodialysis diet. Seminars in dialysis. 2018:31(5):479-486.
- St-Jules, David E; Goldfarb, David S; Pompeii, Mary Lou; Sevick, Mary Ann. Phosphate Additive Avoidance in Chronic Kidney Disease. Diabetes spectrum. 2017:30(2):101-106.
- St-Jules, David E; Jagannathan, Ram; Gutekunst, Lisa; Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar; Sevick, Mary Ann. Examining the Proportion of Dietary Phosphorus From Plants, Animals, and Food Additives Excreted in Urine. Journal of renal nutrition. 2016:27(2):78-83.
- St-Jules DE, Goldfarb DS, Sevick MA. Nutrient Non-equivalence: Does Restricting High-Potassium Plant Foods Help to Prevent Hyperkalemia in Hemodialysis Patients? [published correction appears in J Ren Nutr. 2016 Nov;26(6):416]. J Ren Nutr. 2016;26(5):282-287. doi:10.1053/j.jrn.2016.02.005
U.S. Army Dietitian, Army Medical Specialist Corps
Dissertation Topic
Improving Physical Activity and Fruit and Vegetable Social Cognitive and Behavior Variables in Filipino Adolescents in Hawai’i: The Waipahu Action Research and Training (HART) Project
Academic Highlights
- Fleary S, Nigg C, Kim S, Tagorda M, Rathke M. Validating stages of change for obesogenic behaviors across Filipino and Other Asian American and Pacific Islander adolescents. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.2017. doi:10.1007/s40615-017-0392-7.
- Rathke M, Tagorda M,Nigg C R. Predicting fruit and vegetable intake in Asian American & Pacific Islander adolescents via knowledge, self-efficacy and stage of change. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2016; 50: S308.
- Wing D, McClintock R, Plumlee D, Rathke M, Burnett T, Lyons B, Buono M. Does anticipatory sweating occur prior to fluid consumption? International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Pharmacology. 2012;4:45-50.
Amit Kumar Singh, Phd, BVSc & A.H

Title & Employer: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Georgia
Dissertation Topic
Effect of exogenous enzymes and probiotics on digestibility and fiber utilization in chickens
Academic Highlights
- D. Bhuminand, B. Tapendra Prasad, S. Amit Kumar, M. Motozumi, M. Yoh-Ichi. 2009. Ovarian status, uterine pathology and physical condition of anoestrus and culled buffaloes in Chitwan, Nepal. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference in Southport, UK, 30 March- 1 April 2009.
Utsav Prakash Tiwari, PhD, B.V.Sc. & A.H.
Title & Employer
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation Topic
Use of porcine in vivo, in vitro model and microscopy to see the effect of exogenous enzymes on degradation of fiber-starch-protein matrix
Academic Highlights
- Utsav P. Tiwari, H. Chen, S. W. Kim and R. Jha. Supplemental effect of xylanase and mannanase on non-starch polysaccharide digestibility and gut health of nursery pigs studied using both in vitro and in vitro model. Animal Feed Science and Technology. (Accepted manuscript)
- P. Tiwari, and R. Jha (2017). Nutrients, amino acid, fatty acid and non-starch polysaccharide profile and in vitro digestibility of macadamia nut cake in swine. Animal Science Journal, 88:1093-1099.
- P. Tiwari, and R. Jha (2016). Nutrient profile and digestibility of tubers and agro-industrial coproducts determined using an in vitro model of swine. Animal Nutrition, 2:357-360.
- Turano, U. P. Tiwari, and R. Jha (2016). Growth and nutritional evaluation of napier grass hybrids as forage for ruminants. Tropical Grasslands, 4(3):168-178.
- U.P. Tiwari, B. Turano, andR. Jha (2014). Nutritional characteristics and in vitro digestibility by near-infrared spectroscopy of local and hybrid napiergrass varieties grown in rain-fed and irrigated conditions. Animal Production Science, 54:1775-1778.
Chloe Panizza, PhD, MHlthProm, PostgradDip Dietetics, BSc Nutrition
Title & Employer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Population Sciences in the Pacific Program, University of Hawaii Cancer Center.
Dissertation Topic
Exploring the influence of diet quality on visceral adiposity and risk of mortality from non-communicable diseases among adults in the US.
Academic Highlights
- Panizza, C.E.; Wong, M.C.; Kelly, N.; Liu, Y.E.; Shvetsov, Y.B.; Lowe, D.A.; Weiss, E.J.; Heymsfield, S.B.; Kennedy, S.; Boushey, C.J.; Maskarinec, G.; Shepherd, J.A. Diet Quality and Visceral Adiposity among a Multiethnic Population of Young, Middle, and Older Aged Adults. CDN (in press).
- Panizza, C.E.; Lim, U.; Yonemori, K.M.; Cassel, K.D.; Wilkens, L.R.; Harvie, M.N.; Maskarinec, G.; Delp, E.J.; Lampe, J.W.; Shepherd, J.A.; Le Marchand, L.; Boushey, C.J. Effects of Intermittent Energy Restriction Combined with a Mediterranean Diet on Reducing Visceral Adiposity: A Randomized Active Comparator Pilot Study. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1386.
- Zhao, C.; Panizza, C. Fox, K.; Boushey, C.J.; Byker Shanks, C.; Ahmed, S.; Chen, S.; Serrano, E.L.; Zee, J.; Fialkowski, M.K.; Banna, J. Plate Waste in School Lunch: Barriers, Motivators, and Perspectives of SNAP-Eligibile Early Adolescents in the US. J Nutr Educ Behav 2019, 51, 967-975.
- Panizza, C.E.; Shvetsov, Y.B.; Harmon, B.E.;Wilkens, L.R.; Le Marchand, L.; Haiman, C.; Reedy, J.; Boushey, C.J. Testing the Predictive Validity of the Healthy Eating Index-2015 in the Multiethnic Cohort: Is the Score Associated with a Reduced Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality? Nutrients 2018, 10, 452.
- Banna, J.C.; Panizza, C.E.; Boushey, C.J.; Delp, E.J.; Lim, E. Association between Cognitive Restraint, Uncontrolled Eating, Emotional Eating and BMI and the Amount of Food Wasted in Early Adolescent Girls. Nutrients 2018, 10, 1279.
- Panizza, C.E.; Boushey, C.J.; Delp, E.J.; Kerr, D.A.; Lim, E.; Gandhi, K.; Banna, J.C. Characterizing Early Adolescent Plate Waste Using the Mobile Food Record. Nutrients 2017, 9, 93.
- Harray, A. J.; Boushey, C. J.; Pollard, C. M.; Panizza, C. E.; Delp, E. J.; Dhaliwal, S. S.; Kerr, D. A. Perception v. Actual Intakes of Junk Food and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Australian Young Adults: Assessed Using the Mobile Food Record. Public Health Nutrition 2017, 20(13), 2300–2307.
Michael Cen Wong, PhD
Title & Employer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Population Sciences in the Pacific Program, University of Hawaii Cancer Center. Dr. John Shepherd
Dissertation Topic
Using body shape from 3D optical imaging for health assessment
Why did you choose the PhD Nutrition Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa?
After spending a year working after college, I soon realized it would be difficult to get where I want to be without further education. When the opportunity came to pursue my PhD at UH Manoa, I left my life behind in California to follow my dreams and start a new life. Fortunately for me, things have fallen in place. I enjoy the work I’m doing, I have a great mentor, I made wonderful friends, and I have no regrets.
Academic Highlights
- Wong MC, Ng BK, Kennedy SF, Hwaung P, Liu E, Kelly N, Pagano I, Garber AK, Chow D, Heymsfield SB, Shepherd JA. Children and Adolescent’s Anthropometrics Body Composition from 3D Optical Surface Scans. OBESITY. Accepted, 2019. (top 5 manuscript and will be featured in the 7th annual OBESITY Symposium)
- Bennett K. Ng, Markus J. Sommer, Michael C. Wong, Ian Pagano, Yilin Nie, Bo Fan, Samantha Kennedy, Brianna Bourgeois, Nisa Kelly, Yong E. Liu, Phoenix Hwaung, Andrea K. Garber, Dominic Chow, Christian Vaisse, Brian Curless, Steven B. Heymsfield, John A. Shepherd. Detailed 3D Body Shape Features Predict Body Composition, Blood Metabolites, and Functional Strength: The Shape Up Studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Accepted, 2019.
Lianger “Felix” Dong, PhD, MS
Dissertation Topic
I am interested in health benefits of probiotic foods and their effects on human gut.
Why did you choose the PhD Nutrition Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa?
My research during M.S. studying was involved with lactase treated dairy products using nanotechnology which is beneficial for lactose-intolerant costumers. This experience encourages me to focus on practical research based on an interdisciplinary knowledge of biological, physicochemical, and engineering science to improve the quality, nutritional profiles and safety of foods. Dr. Yong Li’s research projects discover potential antimicrobial, anticancer, or nutraceutical properties of local fruits, investigation of the effects of food derived bioactives on gut microbiota, and development of novel fast detecting techniques of food born pathogens. His research is very intriguing to me and matches my academic goal of providing potential solutions addressing food safety and human health problems. In addition, the courses and resources provided by the Nutrition PhD program at UHM are diverse and advanced. I chose UHM to continue my education in food science because I believe this is a great opportunity to gain professional knowledge and skills for my career and explore microbials, food, and their relationship to overall wellbeing.
Academic Highlights
- Dong JL, Yu X, Dong LE, Shen RL. In vitro fermentation of oat β-glucan and hydrolysates by fecal microbiota and selected probiotic strains. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017 Sep;97(12):4198-203.
Michelle Blas Laguana, PhD, MS
Dissertation Topic
Dietary Assessment of Children in Guam
Why did you choose the PhD Nutrition Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa?
While living and working on Guam, I’ve been fortunate to work with faculty from the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and the University of Hawaii’s Cancer Center in various research and extension capacities, so to be able to further my studies and career at UHM felt like the natural choice. I’ve enjoyed the various courses the intercollege PhD program has allows me to explore as well as the opportunities and support I’ve been given working in small class sizes with my peers and faculty. The mentorship and experience I have gained thus far has been very rewarding and I feel blessed to be in such a great learning environment! I believe the knowledge and faculty mentorships I have gained here at UHM will help provide me with the tools to go back home and continue nutrition education and research with the ethnic populations of Guam.
Tharindu Malintha Gardi-Hewage, PhD, MS
Dissertation Topic
Environmentally sensitive transcription factors in the prolactin cell, gill and kidney of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Why did you choose the PhD Nutrition Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa?
During my Master’s degree, I studied marine life sciences and biomedical sciences. I was specialized in aquafeeds and nutrition. Therefore, the Ph.D. Nutrition program was most suited to me. It is an honor for me to be a part of HNFAS and work in a friendly environment. I work in the Laboratory of Fish Endocrinology and Environmental Physiology, where I will conduct experiments in understanding the effects of temperature on osmoreception using tilapia as a model animal and develop aquafeeds using locally available ingredients. I believe that the knowledge and experiences I gain from UH and the help and guidance from the faculty would make this work successful.
Academic Highlights
- Seale, Malintha, G. H. T., Celino‐Brady, F. T., Head, T., Belcaid, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Lerner, D. T., Baltzegar, D. A., Borski, R. J., Stoytcheva, Z. R., & Breves, J. P. (2020). Transcriptional regulation of prolactin in a euryhaline teleost: Characterisation of gene promoters through in silico and transcriptome analyses. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 32(11), e12905–n/a.
- Woo, Malintha, G. H. T., Celino-Brady, F. T., Yamaguchi, Y., Breves, J. P., & Seale, A. P. (2022). Tilapia prolactin cells are thermosensitive osmoreceptors. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 322(6), R609–R619.
Jonathan Bennett, PhD, MS
Dissertation Topic
Assessment of Hydration via Five Compartment Body Composition Methods
Why did you choose the PhD Nutrition Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa?
Working with John Shepherd and Steve Heymsfield (Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LA) provides invaluable experience and opportunities for us to develop research that further advances the understanding of body composition and its role in health and disease risk.
Academic Highlights
- Heymsfield SB, Smith B, Wong M, Bennett JP, Ebbeling C, Wong J M, … & Shepherd JA (2021). Multicomponent density models for body composition: Review of the dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry volume approach. Obesity Reviews, e13274.
- Bennett JP, Liu YE, Quon BK, Kelly NN, Wong MC, Kennedy SF, … & Shepherd JA (2022). Assessment of clinical measures of total and regional body composition from a commercial 3-dimensional optical body scanner. Clinical Nutrition.
- Bennett JP, Liu YE, Quon BK, Kelly NN, Wong MC, Leong L, … & Shepherd JA (2022). Three-dimensional optical body shape and features improve prediction of metabolic disease risk in a diverse cross-sectional sample of adults. Obesity.
- Cataldi D, Bennett JP, Quon BK, Liu YE, Heymsfield SB, Kelly TK, & Shepherd JA (2022). Agreement and precision of deuterium dilution for total body water and multicompartment body composition assessment in collegiate athletes. Journal of Nutrition.
- Bennett JP, Wong MC, McCarthy C, Fearnbach N, Queen K, Shepherd JA, & Heymsfield SB (2022). Emergence of the adolescent obesity epidemic: five-decade visualization with humanoid avatars. International Journal of Obesity.
MS Alumni
Sydney Lofquist
MS, Nutritional Sciences
Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences
Chair: Dr. MJ Lee
Dissertation Topic
The impact of Transforming Growth Factor Beta on adipose tissue biology.
Bernice ChristineDelos Reyes
MS, Nutritional Sciences
Department of Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences
Dr. Monica Esquivel