CRDG’s faculty and staff include a small cadre of program evaluators with responsibilities for conducting evaluations of their curriculum-developer colleagues’ programs and of programs developed and implemented externally. Over a period of nearly 40 years, the studies have addressed programs in all major K–12 school subjects, as well as other subjects such as art and nutrition; have addressed schooling at all levels from kindergarten through graduate school; have addressed social service programs in addition to education; and have involved collecting data in many American states. Since 1981, the reports of nine of CRDG’s evaluation studies have been award winners in the American Educational Research Association’s Division H (Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools) Excellent Publications Competition; another was profiled in 2010 as an exemplary evaluation in the American Journal of Evaluation. The results of a number of the studies have been published in refereed local and national professional journals.
For More Information
Evaluation and Research Projects and Topics
Selected Reports, Presentations and Instruments
Accessible Professional Development for Teaching Aquatic Science Inquiry: Final Report
Evaluation of the Final Year (2009-2010) of the Arts and Literacy for All Project
2008 AERA Distinguished Paper-A More Appropriate Determination of the Effectiveness of a Prekindergarten Initiative in Hawaiian Communities
Div H AERA Best Summary Report: “Data-Substantiated Evaluation Assertions About Pihana Nā Mamo”
DIV H AERA Best Program Evaluation Study: “Evaluation of the Final Year of the ARTS FIRST Windward Research Project”