Author: Alycia Fujii

[caption id="attachment_1609" align="alignright" width="302"] Donald Young receives a leadership award from Randy Hitz, Dean of the College of Education.[/caption] Highlights While maintaining a high productivity in research and development, CRDG faculty and staff excelled in areas including...

College of Education Randy Hitz, Dean Curriculum Research & Development Group Donald B. Young, Director Kathleen Berg, Associate Director Nancy Fujii, Secretary Administrative Officer Sheryl Nohara Assistant to Director Diane Witt Products and Services Kathleen Berg Editing, Manuscript Preparation, Printing, Publication, Warehousing, Marketing & Dissemination Research and Development Sections Laboratory School Jane...

Berg, K. F. Department of Defense Education Activity. School Safety and Violence Prevention Project. With George Washington University. $1,225,000. 2002–2003. Brandon, P. R. Evaluation of the Hawai‘i Department of Education Windward Community Learning Center. $33,000. 2002–2003. Brandon,...