Author: Alycia Fujii

[caption id="attachment_1508" align="alignright" width="160"] Donald B. Young Director, CRDG Professor of Education[/caption] The Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), with its Education Laboratory School, is an organized research unit in the College of Education at the...

[caption id="attachment_1500" align="alignright" width="160"] Each year in October the Pihana Nā Mamo project participates in the Children and Youth Fair at the State Capitol.[/caption] 2005 marked the end of the third 5-year cycle for Pihana Nā...

[caption id="attachment_1494" align="alignright" width="160"] GK–12 fellows and workshop participants visited a farm for giant clams as part of the Palau workshop.[/caption] CRDG continued its work with the National Science Foundationfunded GK–12 project this year with twelve...

Given Asia’s importance to the United States, economically, politically, and strategically, there is general agreement in America, at least in theory, that students “should learn about Asia.” World history texts frequently give short shrift to...