Author: Alycia Fujii

[caption id="attachment_625" align="alignright" width="117"] Donald B. YoungDirector, CRDG[/caption] Aloha from the Curriculum Research & Development Group and the University Laboratory School. We are pleased to be able to share with you the exciting and innovative work...

2001 ULS becomes a charter school and is renamed the Education Laboratory: A Hawai‘i New Century Public Charter School. CRDG continues to operate the school as a laboratory for curriculum R & D. 2000 CRDG merges with the...

[caption id="attachment_607" align="alignright" width="160"] CRDG continues its leadership role in developing inquiry-based curricula with its early chidhood project.[/caption] In line with the state’s ongoing P–20 Initiative, and with the new national focus on early childhood development,...