Author: Alycia Fujii

Chapters in Books Olson, M., Olson, J., Swarthout, M., & Hartweg, K. (2007). Meeting special needs in mathematics through learning stations. In E. Bazik, (Series Ed.) & E. Bazik, & C. Greenes (Vol. Eds.), Leadership to...

CRDG Organization College of Education Donald B. Young, Interim Dean (January–July) Christine Sorensen, Dean (August–December) Curriculum Research & Development Group Kathleen F. Berg, Acting Director/Associate Director (January–August/August–December) Donald B. Young, Director (August–December) Helen Au, Assistant Director Russell Chun, Administrative Officer Cecilia H. Fordham, Special Projects Administrator (January–August) Ricardo Lorenzana,...

The Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) is an organized research unit in the College of Education at the University of Hawai'i. Since 1966, CRDG has served the educational community locally, nationally, and internationally by conducting...