CRDG is excited to be working on the third edition of A History of Hawai‘i, the most widely used text for high school courses on the history of Hawai‘i’ since the first edition was published...
The newest project in the series of curricula on East Asia will be an activity-driven modular program on the history of North and South Korea since 1945. In addition to providing a comprehensive program on...
A new edition of CRDG’s acclaimed marine science text The Fluid Earth is in development. The Fluid Earth is part of a marine science program that draws on biology, physics, chemistry, meteorology, geology, cartography, engineering,...
The CRDG mathematics team has developed A Modeling Approach to Algebra, a curriculum created to support ninth-grade students’ learning algebra with understanding. Created under a contract with the Hawai‘i Department of Education, the materials support...
Throughout CRDG’s history, professional development has always been an integral part of its work to improve educational practice. Just as CRDG began in an era of changing needs and practices in education, the professional development...