Written by: Kalli

ChatGPT has become quite popular since its release. The program opened doors for everyone, especially us students. Like most other college students, I feel the creeping burnout as the weeks pass and semester progresses. The allure of using ChatGPT to complete that one essay nobody wants to do is tempting to say the least. However, the risks outweigh the reward. Programs such as GPTZero can very easily detect AI generated essays- but there is a useful, totally acceptable way to use ChatGPT for assistance. 

ChatGPT is a useful tool for drafting. Sometimes it feels like you know what you want to write, but can’t get it onto the paper (or doc). Adding those ideas to ChatGPT can help you find a way to word it. Copying the AI word for word wouldn’t be the best idea; While it may be grammatically correct, sometimes it just doesn’t sound right. However, it’s a great starting point. The problem with ChatGPT is that it lacks the “human touch” that many companies want to see from candidates. 

Of course it can’t perfectly convey human emotions in typing. It is a program and not a person. To appeal to companies, you need to stand out a little. Especially if you are trying to impress a larger brand or business. According to an article written by themuse you should, “call upon your direct work experience, volunteer experience, or your studies, and link how that has given you some skills in these areas.” That isn’t something a computer could do for you, even if it knew your life story. There are also dangers of sharing too much information with ChatGPT. Artificial Intelligence learns and stores information. If you tell it too much about yourself such as your phone number, there is a chance it may tell that to someone else later on. While it may not be a high chance, it’s best to use the program to find a template and input your own information securely. 



