Written by Kalli
This question can be intimidating in an interview. It makes you wonder “what do they want me to say?” The answer is simple: they want to know if you will fit their expectations. The best way to overcome this question is to refer to the job description, try to prepare ahead of time, and match the skills you possess to the requirements of the job you are applying for. If you know the position requires planning and problem solving, mention those skills when they ask. An example would be, “I feel that my ability to plan and problem solve will be beneficial to your company.” Focusing first on how you can improve the company can help you make a good impression on the interviewer. The last thing you want to do is ramble about yourself; instead, focus on how your skills would improve their work. Another thing to consider is their “about us” page. This can tell you what the company values and how you can add yourself to their roster.
You should also be specific about things like your skills and accomplishments to demonstrate that you have relevant experience and would contribute to the company and, most importantly, what sets you apart from others who may be applying for the same position.