Written by Kalli 

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to work with food. Making pastries for a living was always my goal in life. My parents entertained the idea for a while but as I approached senior year of high school, they began to tell me that I should choose a “real career.” I was told to go to college and get a degree instead of going to pastry school. I can’t say I didn’t expect it, but it was certainly disappointing.

While searching through countless degrees, I realized that I would be miserable working as an accountant or as a doctor. I knew what I didn’t want to do, but couldn’t find anything appealing. That was, until I stumbled across a segment on NHK about desserts adapted to fit low-sugar diets. I decided that I wanted to find a way to create baked goods for those who have dietary restrictions. The best way to do that would be to study different nutritional ailments which is why I chose Dietetics as my major. The goal of a Registered Dietitian (RD/RDN) is to utilize their knowledge of nutrition and nutrition related diseases to diagnose, treat, or assist patients in recovery or health status improvement. They design specialized menus for patients specific to their nutrition needs. Becoming an RD/RDN is not the only pathway for a dietetics major. There are other branches such as Sports Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, Veterinary Nutrition, Pediatric Nutrition, and many more. Jobs in the Nutrition field have become crucial in the battle against nutrition related diseases, as well as the recovery of patients in hospitals. 
