Written by Kalli
An elevator pitch is a quick introduction, usually lasting the duration of an elevator ride. The four major steps of an elevator pitch are the introduction, what you do, what you want, and the opportunity bridge. Try to include the best work you have completed throughout the pitch, whether it be during school or during a job and tell them what had happened, what you had to do, and how it turned out. Remove information that is not relevant to your personal background and would not contribute to their understanding of what you do.
Tell them what you want. Try to offer the skills you have and how it would benefit their company. Relate it to the experience you gave in your background. Make yourself stand out; mention work and skills that others may not have. Offer them the goal you want to accomplish at their company whether that be learning valuable skills in your field, picking up experience, or gaining guidance from seniors in the field.
At the end, ask them if you could be in contact with them. Even if faced with rejection, remember to thank them for their time. They still heard you out, even if you did not receive a job offer.