Date: Thursday, February 27, 4:30 PMVenue: Tokioka Room (Moore 319)Reception: To follow The Department of…

Video: Congratulations Graduates!
The Asian Studies Program warmly congratulates our Spring 2020 graduating cohorts of BA and MA students. In lieu of commencement, we offer this video with messages provided by students and faculty.
Mahalo to everyone who submitted messages, photos, and video to make this video possible!
Graduates, we wish you all the very best and hope you stay in touch!
Graduating with BA, Spring 2020
Aaron Fernandez
Jacob Gardner
Jordan Kanemitsu
Lara Klaus
Hannah Poffenberger Twomey
Luke Taylor
Graduating with MA, Spring 2020
Asia Dobbs
Tyler Esch
Melissa Kim
Xintao Lu
Jeannie Magdua
Bianca Rajan
Xinli Zhang
Andrew Zyra