Contact Information:
Tel. (808) 956-4030, Email: abinales@hawaii.edu
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Government and Asian Studies, Cornell, 1997
- MA Cornell University, Department of Government, 1991
- BA History, University of the Philippines-Diliiman, 1978
Patricio “Jojo” Abinales grew up on the northwestern side of the Philippine island of Mindanao. He graduated with a degree in History from the University of the Philippines-Diliman (UP), and Ph.D. in Government and Southeast Asian Studies from Cornell University. He taught at the Department of Political Science at Ohio University from 1997 to 1999 before moving to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University in 2000. From 2010-2011, Jojo was a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, where he did research on the political economy of US economic assistance in Muslim Mindanao. In 2011 he joined the faculty of the Asian Studies Program at UH-Manoa.
Apart from his academic work, Jojo also writes political commentaries and book reviews for two e-magazines – Rappler in the Philippines, and Positively Filipino which is based in San Francisco.
Philippine politics (American colonialism; communist and Islamic insurgencies; the illicit sector; warlords and political clans).
Southeast Asian politics.
- ASAN 310 Asian Humanities.
- ASAN 312: Contemporary Asian Civilizations.
- ASAN 320P: Asian Nation Studies: Philippines.
- ASAN 320Z. Smuggling and the Illicit in Asia.
- ASAN 406 Modern Philippines.
- ASAN 484. Political Violence in Southeast Asia.
- ASAN 491G: Food, Politics, and Culture in Asia.
- ASAN 491P. Political Violence in the Philippines.
- ASAN 620P: Directed Readings on Southeast Asian (Auto)Biographies and Methodologies.
- ASAN 630. Southeast Asia Now.
- ASAN 750. Research Seminar.
Selected Publications
Presidents and Pests, Cosmopolitans and Communists. 2023. Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University Press.
- “Muslims and Politics in the Southern Philippines: The 2017 War of Marawi,” in Eric Tagliacozzo and David S. Powers, eds. Islamic Ecumene: Comparing Muslim Societies. Ithaca, NY. Cornell University Press. 2023.
Modern Philippines. 2022. Santa Barbara, CA. ABC-Clio Greenwood Press
The Marcos Era: A Reader, co-editor with Leia Castaneda-Anastacio. 2022. Quezon City. Ateneo de Manila University
- “Ferdinand Marcos and Development Dictatorship,” in 50th Year of Martial Law: Lessons from the 1970s. Edilberto C. de Jesus and Resil Mojares, eds. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Policy Center, Ateneo School of Government.
- Forthcoming: Modern Philippines. ABC-CLIO Greenwood Press. Santa Barbara, CA. 2022
- “Church-State Relations in Post-Colonial Philippines,” in The Philippines: Groups (Religious and Ethnic), State and Terrorism. Abu Dhabi. Al-Mesbar Studies and Research Center. (in Arabic). 2021.
- “What sayeth the margins? A Note on the State of Mindanao scholarship in Mindanao,” Southeast Asia Research. 2021.
- “Making Mindanao: Cotabato and Davao in the Formation of the Philippine Nation-State.” Ateneo de Manila University. 2020 (third edition).
- “Memories, Political Order, and the Illicit in a Southern Philippine Frontier,” in States and Societies in Motion: Essays in Honour of Takashi Shiraishi. Khoo Boo Teik and Jafar Suryomenggolo, editors. Denmark and Tokyo: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies and the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. 2020.
- “The Problem with a National(ist) Method.” Eric Vincent Batalla and Mark Thompson, editors. 2018. Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines. United Kingdom and New York.
- “State and Society in the Philippines (with Donna J. Amoroso).” Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 2017 (second edition).
- “A History of Philippine-American Relations,” Oxford Research Encyclopedias, 2017.
- “Political Science and the Marcos Dictatorship,” Social Transformations, Vol. 4, No. 2, and Vol. 5, No. 1: 55-77. 2016/17.
- “War and Peace in Muslim Mindanao: Critiquing the Orthodoxy,” in Paul D. Hutchcroft, ed., Mindanao and the Prospects of Peace. Manila: Anvil Publishing Inc. 2016.
- “The Puzzle of Filipino Nationalism.” Jeff Kingston, editor. 2016. Asian Nationalisms Reconsidered. London and New York, Routledge.
- “Cosmopolitanism, marginality, Prokem: Benedict Anderson’s A Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir,” Critical Asian Studies, vol, 48, no. 4 (2016): 614-626.
- “The 2016 Philippine Elections: Local Power as National Authority,” Asia Pacific Bulletin, Washington D.C., East-West Center, No. 344, May 31, 2016, https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/c44fa89a-bb37-454e-9cce-e0285b267813/content.
- “Philippines: How elections in the Philippines will affect the peace process,” https://institute.global/policy/how-elections-philippines-will-affect-peace-process (May 3, 2016).
- “Orthodoxy and History in the Muslim Mindanao Narrative.” Ateneo de Manila University Press. 2010.
- “After the Crisis: Hegemony, Technocracy and Governance in Southeast Asia.” Co-edited with Takashi Shiraishi. Kyoto University Press: 2005.
- “Dislocating Nation-States: Globalization in Asia and Africa.” Kyoto University Press. 2005.
- “Fellow Traveler: Essays on Filipino Communism.” Winner of the Manila Critic’s Circle National Book Award for the Social Sciences. University of the Philippines Press. 2001.
Current Research Projects
- Prepping for Cacique Politics: Manhood, Violence and the Fraternity System in the University of the Philippines.
- The Two-Legged Rats and its Four-Legged Cousin: The Place of Rodent Infestation in Philippine Politics.
- Muslims and Americans in Late 20th Century Philippines: Hegemony at Work.