Date: Thursday, February 27, 4:30 PMVenue: Tokioka Room (Moore 319)Reception: To follow The Department of…

Exploring the Intersections of Pop and Orthodox Spiritual Practices in Mainland SE Asia
CSEAS Webinar Nov. 2 from 2-3:30pm (HST)

Join the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) for a talk on popular and orthodox spiritual practices in mainland and Southeast Asia. The event will focus on the Cham Bani in south Vietnam; the Chinese in Phuket, Vietnam; and the Khmer in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In each case we will consider how the western notions of “religion” and “tradition,” as well as processes of state formation and modernization have impacted localized religious practices and practitioners. We are joined by Poonnatree Jiaviriyaboonya (Nakhon Phanom University), Tatsuki Kataoka (Kyoto University), Yasuko Yoshimoto (Kyoto University) and Susan Needham (California State University, Dominguez Hills). Visit this website to register for the event.