Date: Thursday, February 27, 4:30 PMVenue: Tokioka Room (Moore 319)Reception: To follow The Department of…

Dr. Lin Zhang to speak on Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy
Dr. Lin Zhang, Assistant Professor of Communication at University of New Hampshire, will be giving a public lecture on Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy. How has the rise of Internet-based entrepreneurship affected China? Join us for a presentation by Dr. Zhang to discuss how local entrepreneurs have co-evolved with national and local government politcies to experiment with a new developmental path for China.
Moderated by Dr. Eric Harwit, Professor, Department of Asian Studies, UHM
Cosponsored by the Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs, the Center for Chinese Studies, and the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.
Monday, November 13
11:00 AM-12:00PM HST
In Person: Moore 258, followed by refreshments in Moore 319
Online: Zoom—register here