Undergraduate Electives by Area
These courses, within and outside of the Asian Studies department, are accepted to satisfy the Asian Studies Electives requirement within the Asian Studies major and minor. Here they are divided up by geographical area. Please note that other courses may become available in each of these areas, and not all of these courses will be available at any given time.
Chinese Studies Electives
- ANTH 488 Chinese Culture: Ethnography
- ART 385 Art and Culture of Early China
- ART 386 Art and Culture of Late China
- ART 387 Sculpture of China
- ART 486 Traditional Chinese Painting
- ART 487 Modern and Contemporary Art of China
- ASAN 308/POLS 308 Chinese Political Economy
- ASAN 320C Asian Nation Studies: China
- ASAN 330/EALL 330 Chinese Film: Art & History
- ASAN 364/EALL 364/WS 346 20th-Century Chinese Women Writers
- ASAN 393C Field Study in Asia (China)
- ASAN 473/EALL473 Topics in Chinese Cultural Studies: Visual Culture-Chinese Diaspora
- ASAN 485 Contemporary Chinese Development
- ASAN 491C Topics in Asian Studies China
- DNCE 302 Chinese Dance I
- DNCE 334 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors I
- DNCE 403 Chinese Dance II
- DNCE 434 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors II
- EALL 361 Chinese Lit: Ancient
- EALL 362 Chinese Lit: Pre-modern
- EALL 363 (alpha) 20th-Century Chinese Literature and Culture
- EALL 364 20th-Century Chinese Women Writers
- EALL 365 (alpha) Traditional Chinese Fiction in Translation
- EALL 366 The City in Modern Chinese Literature and Visual Arts
- EALL 473 Topics in Chinese Cultural Studies: Visual Culture – Chinese Diaspora
- EALL 474/ASAN 474 Transnational Chinese Popular Culture
- EALL 476 Perspectives on Chinese Cinema
- ECON 416 The Chinese Economy
- GEO 353 Geography of China
- GEO 453 Environment and Society in China
- HIST 311 History of China
- HIST 312 History of China
- HIST 410 Twentieth-Century China
- HIST 411 Society and Culture in Traditional
- HIST 412 Local History of 20th Century China
- HIST 416 Chinese Intellectual History
- HIST 417 Chinese Intellectual History
- HIST 418 China’s Foreign Relations
- HIST 419 The Search for Modern China
- HIST 420 The People’s Republic of China
- HIST 421 China in World History
- MUS 311D Chinese Ensemble I
- MUS 411D Chinese Ensemble I
- MUS 478C Musical Cultures: China
- PHIL 370 Chinese Philosophy
- PHIL 406 Introduction to Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Philosophy
- POLS 308 Chinese Political Economy
- REL 308 Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Masters
- REL 476 Daoism: Philosophy and Religion
- SOC 356 Chinese Society and Culture
- THEA 335 Taiji Round Form for Actors
- THEA 427 Chinese Acting Workshop
- THEA 465 Drama & Theatre of China
Japanese Studies Electives
- ANTH 483 Japanese Culture and Behavior
- ANTH 484 Japanese Popular Culture
- ANTH 487 Anthropology of Okinawa and its Diaspora
- ART 380 Early Art of Japan
- ART 381 Later Art of Japan
- ART 483 Applied Art of Japan
- ART 488 Genres of Japanese Cinema
- ASAN 320J Asian Nation: Japan
- ASAN 320O Asian Nation: Okinawa
- ASAN 323 Way of Tea in Japanese History and Culture
- ASAN 324 Chado – The Way of Tea Practicum
- ASAN 325/EALL 325 Japanese Film: Art & Hist – Spec. Topics
- ASAN 393J Field Study in Asia (Japan)
- ASAN 422 Contested Issues Korea and Japan
- ASAN 462 Contested Issues in Contemporary Japan
- ASAN 464 K-pop and J-pop: Korean & Japanese Popular Music and Society
- ASAN 465 Japan Cool: Anime, Manga and Film
- ASAN 491J Topics in Asian Studies: Japan
- DNCE 303 Japanese Dance 1
- DNCE 306 Okinawan Dance
- DNCE 403 Japanese Dance II
- DNCE 406 Okinawan Dance II
- EALL 371 Topics in Traditional Japanese Literature
- EALL 372 Topics in Modern Japanese Literature
- EALL 375 Topics in Japanese Cultural Studies
- ECON 317 The Japanese Economy
- FIN490C Japanese Financial Management
- GEO 352 Geography of Japan
- HIST 321 History of Japan
- HIST 322 History of Japan
- HIST 323/ASAN 323 Way of Tea in Japanese History and Culture
- HIST 324 The Samurai of Japan
- HIST 422 Tokugawa Japan
- HIST 423 Okinawa
- HIST 424 20th-Century Japan
- HIST 426 History of Japanese Cuisine and Foodways
- HIST 428 WWII and the Making of Modern Japan
- JPN 370 Language in Japanese Society
- JPN 475 Introduction to Japanese Sociolinguistics
- JPN 471 Okinawan Language and Culture
- JPN 472 Okinawan Language and Literature
- MGT 343 Comparative Management Systems: US & Japan
- MUS 311C Japanese Ensemble I
- MUS 311F Okinawan Ensemble I
- MUS 311I Gagaku Ensemble I
- MUS 330B Koto
- MUS 330C Shamisen
- MUS 330F Shakuhachi
- MUS 411C Japanese Ensemble II
- MUS 411 F Okinawan Ensemble II
- MUS 478D Musical Cultures: Japan
- PHIL 380 Japanese Philosophy
- PHIL 406 Introduction to Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Philosophy
- POLS 307H Topics in Comparative Politics: Japan
- REL 308 Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Masters
- REL 490 Buddhism in Japan
- SOC 357 Japanese Society and Culture
- THEA 428 Japanese Acting Workshop
- THEA 466 Drama & Theatre of Japan
Korean Studies Electives
- ART 384 Art of Korea
- ASAN 320K Asian Nation: Korea
- ASAN 393K Field Study in Asia (Korea)
- ASAN 420 Korean Cinema
- ASAN 422 Contested Issues Korea and Japan
- ASAN 464 K-pop and J-pop: Korean & Japanese Popular Music and Society
- ASAN 491K Topics in Asian Studies Korea
- DNCE 305 Korean Dance I
- DNCE 405 Korean Dance II
- EALL 384 Modern Korean Women Writers and Culture
- KOR 470 Language and Culture of Korea
- KOR 493 Introduction to Traditional Korean Literature
- KOR 494 Introduction to Modern Korean Literature
- HIST 327 History of Premodern Korea
- HIST 328 History of Modern Korea
- HIST 330 History of North Korea
- MUS 311E Korean Ensemble I
- MUS 411E Korean Ensemble II
- MUS 478E Korean Musical Cultures
- POLS 340 Korean Politics and Society Through Film
- REL 308 Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Masters
- SOC 358 Sociology of Korea
Okinawan Studies Electives
- ANTH 487 Anthropology of Okinawa and its Diaspora
- ASAN 320O Asian Nation: Okinawa
- ASAN 410/WS 410 Gender and Politics in U.S.-Okinawa Relations
- DNCE 306 Okinawan Dance
- DNCE 406 Okinawan Dance II
- HIST 423 Okinawa
- JPN 471 Okinawan Language and Culture
- JPN 472 Okinawan Language and Literature
- MUS 311F Okinawan Ensemble I
- MUS 411F Okinawan Ensemble II
Philippine Studies Electives
- ASAN 320P Asian Nation Studies: The Philippines
- ASAN 393P Field Study in Asia (Philippines)
- ASAN 406/HIST 406 Modern Philippines
- ASAN 407 Peace Processes in Philippines and Hawai‘i
- ASAN 491P Topics in Asian Studies Philippines
- DNCE 307 Philippine Dance I
- DNCE 407 Philippine Dance II
- ENG 375/IP 363 Philippine Contemporary Literature in English
- ENG 376/IP 376 Philippine Literature and Folklore in Translation
- FIL 330 Filipino Film: Art and History
- FIL 461 Filipino Contemporary Literature
- FIL 462 Filipino Contemporary Literature: 1980s-Present
- ILO 331 Contemporary Ilokano Literature
- HIST 406 Modern Philippines
- IP 360 Filipino Food, Music, and Rituals: Art and Culture Studies
- IP 362 Philippine Drama: History, Art, Culture
- IP 363 Philippine Contemporary Literature in English
- IP 364 Philippine Popular Culture
- IP 370 Philippine Travelogue: People, Places, Practices
- IP 375 Philippine Traditional Games and Pastimes
- IP 376 Philippine Diasporic Literatures
- IP 377 Critical Discourses in IPLL Studies: Philippines
- IP 382 Philippine Visual Art from Burial Jars to Burning Effigies
- IP 389 Theories in Ilokano Studies
- IP 394 Philippine Sociolinguistics: Language Use, Ideologies, and Identities
- IP 396 Philippine Literature and Folklore in Translation
- IP 411 Ilokano Literature in Translation
- IP 431 Rizal’s Literary Works in Translation
- IP 432 The Writings of Carlos Bulosan
- MUS 311G Philippine Ensemble I
- MUS 411G Philippine Ensemble II
- MUS 478G Philippine Musical Cultures
- POLS 307G Topics in Comparative Politics : Philippines
South Asian Studies Electives
- ANTH 442 Globalization and Identity in the Himalayas
- ART 393 Art of India and South Asia
- ART 492 Hindu Visual Culture
- ASAN 303 Bollywood Dance, Music and Film
- ASAN 320I Asian Nation Studies: South Asia
- ASAN 393I Field Study in Asia (South Asia)
- ASAN 478/MUS 478H Musical Cultures: India
- ASAN 491I Topics in Asian Studies: South Asia
- DNCE 310 Asian Dance I (Bollywood)
- ES 339 South Asian Migrants: Culture and Politics
- FDM 418 Costumes of South & Southeast Asia
- GEO 355 Geography of South Asia
- HIST 301 History of Early India
- HIST 302 History of Modern India
- IP 300/HIST 301 History of Early India
- IP 303 Bollywood Dance, Music and Film
- IP 365 South Asian Literature in Translation
- IP 366 Literatures of Ancient India
- IP 373 Vedic Hindu Mythology
- IP 374 Classical Hindu Mythology
- MUS 478H Indian Musical Cultures
- PHIL 350 Indian Philosophy
- POLS 307J Topics in Comparative Politics: India
- WS 339 South Asian Migrants: Culture and Politics
Southeast Asian Studies Electives
- ANTH 446 Southeast Asian Cultures
- ANTH 461 Southeast Asian Asia Archaeology
- ANTH 491 Special Topics: Monuments and Nationalism in SEA
- ART 391 (Alpha) Art of Southeast Asia
- ART 477 Art of Indonesia
- ART 490 (alpha) Special Topics in Southeast Asian Art History
- ASAN 320S: Asian Nation Studies: Southeast Asia
- ASAN 356/GEO 356 Geography of Southeast Asia
- ASAN 361/IP 361 Southeast Asian Literature in Translation
- ASAN 393S Field Study in Asia (Southeast Asia)
- ASAN 411 Comparative Muslim Societies in Asia
- ASAN 481 Film, Culture, and Modernity in Southeast Asia
- ASAN 491S Topics in Asian Studies SE Asia
- ASAN 496 Religions of Island Southeast Asia
- DNCE 304 Indonesian Dance I
- DNCE 404 Indonesian Dance II
- GEO 356 Geography of Southeast Asia
- HIST 305 History of Southeast Asia
- HIST 306 History of Southeast Asia
- HIST 358 The World of Mekong
- HIST 402 Researching WWII in Southeast Asia
- HIST 403 Vietnam: History and Memory
- HIST 404: Rivers, Seas and Society in Southeast Asia
- HIST 407 Modern Malaysia
- HIST 408 Modern Indonesia
- HIST 409 History of Islamic Southeast Asia
- IND 454 History of Indonesian
- IND 461 Modern Indonesian Literature
- MUS 311H Gamelan Ensemble I
- MUS 417 University Javanese Gamelan
- MUS 478F Indonesian Musical Cultures
- IND 454 History of Indonesian
- IND 461 Modern Indonesian Literature
- IP 361 Southeast Asian Literature in Translation
- IP 391 Literary Cultural Relations (Philippines and Southeast Asia)
- POLS 307B Topics in Comparative Politics: Southeast Asia
- THAI 461 Readings in Thai Contemporary Prose Literature: the Short Story
- THAI 462 Readings in Thai Contemporary Prose Literature: the Novel
- VIET 461 Introduction to Vietnamese Literature
General/Comparative Asia Electives
- AMST 438 Women and Globalization in Asia
- ANTH 443 Anthropology of Buddhism
- ANTH 462 East Asian Archaeology
- ARCH 474 Preservation HI, Asia, Pac
- ART 493 Art of Islam
- ASAN 320Z Asian Nation Studies: Other
- ASAN 360/PHIL 360 Buddhist Philosophy
- ASAN 393Z: Field Study in Asia (other)
- ASAN 411 Comparative Muslim Societies in Asia
- ASAN 320Z Asian Nation: Other
- ASAN 422 Contested Issues Korea and Japan
- ASAN 438/PLAN 438 Sustainable Asian Development: Impact of Globalization
- ASAN 449/PLAN 449 Asian Cities: Evolution of Urban Space
- ASAN 463/WS 463 Gender Issues in Asian Society
- ASAN 471 Introduction to Contemporary Asian Cinema
- ASAN 482 Asia Through Fiction
- ASAN 491G Topics in Asian Studies Asia
- ASAN 491Z Topics in Asian Studies Other
- ASAN 492 Women and Revolution
- ASAN 493 Globalization in Asia
- ASAN 494 Food, Culture and Politics in Asia
- ASAN 495 Encountering Tourism in Asian-Pacific Societies
- DNCE 301 Asian Dance I
- DNCE 401 Asian Dance II
- EALL 360 Literary Traditions of East Asia
- EALL 472 East-West Cultural Encounters
- EALL 491 Senior Colloquium in East Asian Literatures
- EALL 492 (alpha) Study of East Asian Languages
- ECON 415 Asian Economic Development
- ES 318 Asian American Survey
- FDM 418 Costumes of South & Southeast Asia
- FIN 444 Asian Finance
- FIN 470/ASAN 470 Sustainable Development in East Asia
- GEO 432 Tea and Culture
- HIST 309 East Asian Civilizations
- HIST 310 East Asian Civilizations
- HIST 350 Iberia in Asia and the Pacific
- HIST 354 Introduction to Islamic History
- HIST 389 The Asia-Pacific War
- HIST 401 History of the Indian Ocean World
- HIST 425 Women in East Asian History
- HIST 429 War Crimes Trials in Asia
- HIST 451D History and Literature: Asia & Pacific (Covers EA)
- HIST 457 Russia in Asia and the Pacific
- IP 368 Introduction to South/Southeast Asian Film, History, Theory and Appreciation
- MGT 460 Asia Pacific Business Systems
- MUS 411I Asian Music Ensemble
- MUS 457 Asian and Pacific Music in Education
- PACE 460 Indigenous Nonviolent Action in the Asia-PAcific
- PHIL 330 Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 360 Buddhist Philosophy
- POLS 307K Topics in Comparative Politics: East Asia
- POLS 372/WS 462 Women and Globalization in Asia
- REL 308 Zen Buddhist Masters
- REL 352 Sufism: Mystical Traditions of Islam
- REL 354 Islam in History
- REL 383 Mysticism East and West
- REL 443/ANTH 443 Anthropology of Buddhism
- REL 475 Seminar on Buddhism
- THEA 325 Introduction to Asian Acting Styles
- THEA 420C Inter Voice for Actors: Asia
- THEA 426 South/Southeast Asian Acting Workshop
- THEA 464 Drama and Theatre of Southeast Asia and India
- WS 360 Pacific/Asian Women in Hawaiʻi (Covers EA hist/cult)
- WS 462 Asian Women & Globalization in Asia
- WS 463 Gender Issues in Asian Society