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How to Register

Feel free to visit the Warrior Recreation Center to sign up for activities or visit the SRS Office!

You may register for Outdoor Classes and Activities at the Warrior Recreation Center or visit the SRS Office on lower campus (Athletics building room 200).

We will be closed for-

Labor Day (9/2 Monday)

Election Day (11/5 Tuesday)

Veterans Day (11/11 Monday)

Thanksgiving (11/28 Thursday)

Lower Campus SRS Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:00pm

SCUBA and Lifeguarding class participants must sign up at Lower Campus

To participate in outdoor classes, stop by the SRS Office:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am-3:30pm


To rent outdoor equipment, stop by the Rentals Office, “The Barn”:

Mon/Wed/Fri: 12:00pm-4:00pm


Bring your UHM student ID and payment — Cash, Check or Credit Card