In 1944 Okinawan dance master Yuko Majikina and his family were evacuated fromNaha, in an effort to save a critical cultural practitioner from potential peril in theimpending Okinawan battle of World War II. It was a deathly frightening time involvinga … Continue reading
CALL (College of Arts, Languages, Literature, and Letters) is currently running donation campaign to aid students of CALL. Your donation will provide urgent financial support to students in the College of Arts, Languages & Letters–the largest and newest college at … Continue reading
As of August 15, Monday, the 7th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival in Okinawa will be held as planned: The Center for Okinawan Studies is able to offer partial travel support to select students who intend to participate in the Festival … Continue reading
“Born Again Uchinanchu: The Hawaii Experience” is the working title for an Okinawan community book, whose publication is tentatively scheduled for summer of 2022. It is being written by Karleen Chinen, the longtime writer and editor of The Hawaii Herald, … Continue reading