Join Us

Who is eligible to join Kualiʻi Council?

  • Native Hawaiian faculty, staff, adjunct administration, and students associated with UH Mānoa
  • non-Hawaiians who support our mission

Membership levels & kuleana

Affiliate membersparticipate in meetings, activities, and initiatives
Active members*participate in meetings, activities, and initiatives
required to sit on at least 1 Council committee
has attended 6 months of regular Council meetings
able to vote on Council matters
*members who are unwilling or unable to fulfill their kuleana as active members will be considered Affiliate members

When are meetings?

Since its inception, the Kūaliʻi Council has held monthly meetings. The general membership meets monthly and the executive representatives meet monthly with the UH Mānoa to discuss issues and/or topics that may impact access or success Native Hawaiians at UH Mānoa. Our administrator maintains a google calendar of events and our meetings are published in the Mānoa campus calendar.

Meeting Agenda Archives

September 2021