February 23, 2023 International Conference: Justice, Identity Politics, and Public Diplomacy

The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa presents International Conference: Justice, Identity Politics, and Public Diplomacy on February 23, 2023 from 1:30pm-5:00pm.
When: February 23, 2023 ‧ 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Center for Korean Studies Auditorium
In this conference, speakers will discuss several contemporary issues in
Korea including challenges to the criminal justice system in South Korea,
social integration of foreign immigrants and in Korea, recent development
in Korean education, social barriers to inclusion and equality in sport and
physical activity participation inherent in the foreign workers community
in South Korea, labor immigration policies in the agricultural sector in
South Korea, the role of Korean cultural and artistic activities for Soviet
Korean identity in Tashkent, and the linkages between Korean democracy,
transitional society, and international law.
The event is co-sponsored by K-Academic Diffusion Research Center, Inha University and the Pacific Asian Legal Studies, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Professor In Sup Han, Seoul National University School of Law, former President of Korean Institute of Criminonoly and Justice gives a keynote speech titled, " Criminal Justice, Prosecution, and Human Rights in South Korea: Forward-Backward Dynamics."
Following welcoming remarks by Tae-Ung Baik (Professor of Law & Director of the Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa) and Jeanyoung Lee (Professor, Inha University), two panel discussions will be happening.
Panel 1 on Immigration, Migration, and Social Intergration will feature presentations by Speakers Sangtu Ko, Hye-Hyoung Lee, Dongkyu Na, and Mihwa Park and discussions by UH Professors David Krolikoski, Young-a Park, and Hye-ryeon Lee.
Panel 2 on Korean and Identity Politics consists of presentations by speakers Dongki Sung, Mina Yang, and Seokwoo Lee, which will be followed by discussions by professors Mary Kim, C. Harrison Kim, and attorney Jaeyoung Lee.
Center for Korean Studies events are free and open to all. For further information, including information regarding disability access, telephone the Center for Korean Studies at 808-956-7041. This event is in part supported by the Academy of Korean Studies Strategic Research Institute Program (AKS-2020-SRI-2200001). The University of Hawai‘i is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.