Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Hawai`i


Below are names of faculty in various departments who have a significant interest in HCI or HCI-related areas.
Kimberly Binsted ICS Affective intelligent interfaces, extreme environments, computational astrobiology
Wayne Buente Communications Information inequality, social and community informatics, citizenship, and democracy.
David Chin ICS User modeling, adaptive interfaces, cognitive load, agents, computer games, AI
Martha Crosby ICS Cognitive load, eye tracking, studio-based learning, adaptive training
Rich Gazan ICS/LIS Social computing, question answering, information integration, scientific collaboration
Philip Johnson ICS Renewable energy, software engineering, user interfaces, smart grid. Director of CSDL: Collaborative Software Development Lab.
Jason Leigh ICS Big data visualization, virtual reality, high performance networking, video game design. Director of the LAVA: Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and Applications.
Diane Nahl LIS Affective computing, virtual environments, information literacy
Luz Quiroga ICS/LIS Explicit and implicit profile acquisition, context and relevance feedback, personal ontologies, personal websites, personal digital libraries, modeling and recommending web pages across systems
Scott Robertson ICS Digital government, e-participation, social networking, online deliberation and decision making, natural language processing. Director of HICHI: Hawaii Computer-Human Interaction Lab.
Jan Stelovsky ICS Software visualization, multimedia, hypermedia
Daniel Suthers ICS Collaborative Learning, online communities, networked learning communities. Director of LILT: Laboratory for Interactive Learning Technologies
Jenifer Winter Communications Policy and planning (Asia-Pacific), mobile communication, emerging technologies, ubiquitous/pervasive computing and communications, privacy, right to communicate, social informatics, futures studies, ICT literacies


Below are names of students in various departments whose primary research interest is in HCI or an HCI-related area.

Information and Computer Sciences Department
University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Pacific Ocean Science and Technolgy Bldg., Suite 317
1680 East-West Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA