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Practices of Scientists Module One/Lesson Plan One & TSI Phase Diagram

I started the Module One Activities with this assignment. We began by collecting photos from old National Geographic, Skin Diver, Sport Diver magazines & Scientific supply catalogues. The purpose was to select different people doing the "discipline of science." We started by exploring different kinds of Scientific jobs having to do with Oceans; marine biology, oceanographphy, geology, etc. They made a class collage in grades 5-6 grade and found more recent items to include from the Internet in 7-8 grade. The next day, I introduced the Practice of Scientists Unit the same way it was done during the Workshop. The students made their drawings, exchanged them and chose 5 words. We made a large wall chart and compared and contrasted the commonalities of traits. We discussed the terms demeanors and disciplines. To conclude the Activity we wrote about the misconceptions, stereo types and newly acquired knowledge in our Science Learning Log Journals. It was a great way to begin this Unit and make the connection to Ocean literacy Principles! The drawings are on display on the wall in the Science Lab and the students enjoy seeing their own portrayal of Scientists and some humorous connections to TV shows, movies and cartoons.

Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.