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Has any one done this activity yet?

I shared this activity with a 7th grade teacher at my school, and she fell in love with it. We're trying to do it this year--she's going to tackle the photosynthesis angle in 7th grade, I'm going to approach it from a wavelength perspective in 8th grade. We think it's OK to do the same lab in different grades because we're approaching it from different perspectives. BUT! i was wondering if anyone's done this lab in 8th grade, and what results they got. I'm connecting it to the EM-spectrum (duh), and stars specifically, to reinforce that all wavelengths of light come from stars, but the TEMPERATURE of the star, as well as the elements that are fusing/being formed determine its over all color. I'm not going to get into orbitals or anything like that, keeping it very low-key. But, I was wondering if anyone's made that connection in their class and how it went.

OOC: OK, the 'start a conversation' bubble just ticked to an "ah! an inquiry" bubble. That is so cool!

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.