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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 4
1 Reply

Here's my lesson plan and phase model for Sampling for Abundance.

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

For mod 4, we were to implement our own lesson using TSI. I wanted to stick with the sampling methods and apply it to astronomy since that's were we are in our regular curriculum. Using images from Hubble's "Deep Field" the students will use the method of their choice (and rationale) to come up with some generalizations about galaxy populations and sizes.

I'm just curious to know what were some other teacher's use of TSI and/or sampling activities done outside the context of the workshops.

Content Referenced: Sampling
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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
0 Replies

My students designed there own photvoltaics inquiries around this question:
If you were to design a mission to explore and collect data on one of the planets in our solar system, could you use PV panels to power the mission vehicle? the data collecting probes and other equipment?

Content Referenced: Module 4
2 Replies

took the kids outside to do the transects =)

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

This exercise was fun! It took only a short period of time and engaged in a rich discussion. We used it as a gateway to Health & Nutrition. I had a bowl of wrapped organic lolipops in a central location when students returned from lunch. One student immediately noticed and asked if she could have one. I said that they were there and if she would like one she may. All students proceeded to have one. After a few minutes I revealed that I had been conducting a survey and that based on my findings that students preferred organic lolipops to chocolate. They said no.

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

Here goes!

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

I believe the data analysis is what makes or breaks this activity. If students understand the data, how to process it, and what it means, the activity can be a huge success. If not, students may be walking away simply thinking that they got to do a pretty fun activity with measuring tapes in your classroom. I suggest letting students run each of the sampling techniques to collect the data and then walking them through the process of analyzing the data (through modeling) before moving on to the next sampling technique.

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
1 Reply

i am wondering about student response to this activity. students chose not to read the directions before the activity and then complain about not knowing how to do the activity when it came to looking at results. what happened?

Content Referenced: Module 4
0 Replies

This is a link to a recent article from the Garden Island Newspaper that came out immediately after we conducted our transect/quadrat sampling for abundance activity in class. The short article describes how a team of scientists used transects of 25 meters to study the reef health on the north shore. A great tie-in to the lesson with local connections!…

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
0 Replies

Attached is my lesson plan for the "Sampling for Abundance" activity. I experimented a bit with my methodology for this activity and had students pull relevant information about sampling techniques from a non-fiction text (select portions of the teacher's edition of the lesson write-up) prior to them conducting their sampling. It seemed to work well, with students enjoying the opportunity to work in a group to "research" the activity prior to doing it.

Content Referenced: Sampling for Abundance
0 Replies

I did this activity as my Module 4 "choice activity". The lesson plan and a worksheet I made to guide student participation are attached. Please feel free to use these resources! I tried to attach the PowerPoint I used for the activity as well, but the file size is too large and the website will not allow me to post it.

Content Referenced: Activity: Is It Alive?
0 Replies

Attached is my rendition of the Sampling Design activity.

Content Referenced: Sampling
0 Replies
Content Referenced: Module 4
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when will the pre and post assessments for ecology be available for download?

Content Referenced: PDE3
1 Reply

This was a great activity for my students. I will definetly use this one again and agree with other posts that it should be done early and often. The converstation that started surrounding error and minimizing error was extremely valuable. The students from my science class brought the information into my english class and transfered it nicely when analyzing arguments and evidence used to support the arguments were looked at with a more critical eye than they were earlier in the school year.

Content Referenced: Sampling
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.