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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

I knew this one would be fun. How is it that a small container of water and a couple of bottles of food coloring can be so fascinating to kids? Anyway...the lesson works well, other than the fact that the little bags are so buoyant.

I've attached my Phase Diagram and Lesson Plan.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

Here's my PowerPoint. Sorry it's so late :(

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies

Here's my PowerPoint. Sorry it's so late :(

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

Here it is...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

Here is my phase diagram for the Scientist lesson. Installed Chrome on my old Dell and it worked! Doing a little dance :) Now to get on witth all the rest of my late assignments :/

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

7th grade students raved about how they did this soda sinking and floating activity last year and in elementary school so they thought they could accurately predict what would happen this year. To their surprise only some sugar content soda cans sank nstead of all the cans. Instantly they tried to find explanations why the sugar soda cans floated and then tried to make the cans that sank try to float but could not. Determining the mass helped them to explain the experiment's results.

0 Replies

Questions: Was I suppose to post my lesson and TSI refelction for this activity here? Should it be somewhere else?
Also where do I find the survey monkey reflections for this activity.

1 Reply

Practices of Scientist Lesson plan and reflection

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies

Tonight's session was very helpful to figure out the website more! Here is the lesson plan I couldn't figure out where to upload!

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
7 Replies

I tried to post to the Teacher Community part of the site but it wouldn't let me post. Nothing happened when I clicked on the word bubble. Nor could I post my TSI Phase Diagram - maybe because I'm using Windows Vista and it really doesn't work very well. I wouldn't "see" my PDF. Ah well - the joys of technological compatibility. My hard copy will be there tomorrow.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
4 Replies

I am having trouble uploading my lesson plan. Is this happening to anyone else?

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
3 Replies

My PDF file is 7.5 MB and the PowerPoint itself is 2.1 MB. Neither will upload at the moment. The error message that pops up says I've exceeded the file size limit of 32 MB. Is anyone else having a similar problem?

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

I was having difficulty with the reply Paul so I'll just say it here. Below this box is a little arrow and "upload" . I clicked on that, checked the confidentiality box, found my document, opened it and posted it. I'm not sure if this is where it is supposed to go. I wasn't happy about posting for everyone to see but I guess it's all about sharing.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.