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I used this activity with my kids. This lab was so simple that they were able to figure everything out without too much guidance from me. The biggest problem they had was filling out the table. They were confused about why they had to write 3 variables into the table, instead of just one.

However, they understood density after this activity, and really were interested in how it connected to the ocean. GREAT activity!

5 Replies

This was a fun activity that worked well for each grade level that I teach. The way that it worked best for my students, and for my lab set up was to assign each lab pair just one can of soda and one aquarium. Then, they each did all the procedures with just that one can and shared their data on a 10' piece of butcher paper stretched across the floor. Each lab group wrote their own info down and at the end of the lab we discussed all of their results, having each group explain only their own soda can.

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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
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Density Bags Lesson Plan with Phase Diagram

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

I started the Module One Activities with this assignment. We began by collecting photos from old National Geographic, Skin Diver, Sport Diver magazines & Scientific supply catalogues. The purpose was to select different people doing the "discipline of science." We started by exploring different kinds of Scientific jobs having to do with Oceans; marine biology, oceanographphy, geology, etc. They made a class collage in grades 5-6 grade and found more recent items to include from the Internet in 7-8 grade.

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Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Lesson Plan
Module 1: Physical Aquatic Science

Name: Bryan Silver

Activity: Soda Bags – Density test exploration

Why did you choose to do this activity?
Density effects us in fluid dynamic ways of air and water. Students start to explore what properties effects objects ability to float and/or sink.

What are your classroom learning goals?
Density effects currents of movement in water environments and air.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Lesson Plan
Module 1: Physical Aquatic Science

Name: Bryan Silver

Activity: Practices of a Scientist – draw a scientist

Why did you choose to do this activity?
It is important to delve into what makes a scientist and that they are scientists.

What are your classroom learning goals?
How there are many types of scientist that study all the facets of our world.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

This lesson made students pause ...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
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I was nervous about this lab - pulling all the materials together (at the last minute - dohhh) and my students ability to actually perform the task correctly. But it came off without a hitch. They really solidified their understanding of the concept of density. I've attached both the TSI lesson plan and the lab write up I created to implement the lesson as well as the phase diagram/lesson reflection

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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One lab group had time during the class period to see if they could subsurface density bags in their cup of water.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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A first attempt at Density Bags with 7th graders in Life Science was certainly a challenge but students enjoyed the hands on activity. A lot more prep had to be done than anticipated forcing me to focus less on the process and more on providing instruction to make sure the students were following directions.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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A first attempt at Density Bags with 7th graders in Life Science was certainly a challenge but students enjoyed the hands on activity. A lot more prep had to be done than anticipated forcing me to focus less on the process and more on providing instruction to make sure the students were following directions.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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Attached is my lesson plan for the Density Bags activity. A picture of my phase diagram is attached to the bottom of the lesson plan.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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Attached is my lesson plan for the Kinesthetic Moon Model. A picture of my phase diagram is attached to the bottom of the lesson plan.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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Here's my Draw A Scientist Lesson Plan.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
1 Reply

So, here's my lesson plan for the Density Bags activity. I've had about 90% of this done since the 10th, and I just forgot about it until now. :-/

Well, better late than never, right?

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 21 & 22
0 Replies

Here is my lesson for my second lesson.

Content Referenced: Module 1 - Sept 7 & 8
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.