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Conductivity Lesson with 9th graders to tie in with salinity.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

This is my lesson plan for the electrolysis lab. I used it as a segue to the rock cycle.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Here are the TSI lesson plan and the lab write up for the water properties.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Here is my lesson plan for the Properties of Water activity.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Attached is my plan for the electrolysis activity. For those of you teaching 8th grade science, I attempted to tie the size of the water molecule to the size of the universe (in an attempt to integrate this lesson with a current benchmark). If you have any interest in doing the same, feel free to check it out or ask me questions!

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Have decided to flip and flop back and forth between activity (to initiate) and then instruction to get terms and concepts across..... We will see.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Have decided to flip and flop back and forth between activity (to initiate) and then instruction to get terms and concepts across..... We will see.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Just wondering how many periods did you take up.
I needed at least 2

Content Referenced: Activity: Cohesion and Adhesion
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Activity: Cohesion and Adhesion
0 Replies

I forgot to attach.

Content Referenced: Activity: Cohesion and Adhesion
0 Replies

Attached is my lesson plan for the phases and modes activity.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

I condensed the worksheet that was provided to us for my students to use. We also skipped part E because I did not have the tubes to do the experiment.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

Made an activity sheet for students to follow and showed a video to explain the basic properties of water to include cohesion, adhesion, capillary action and surface tension.

Content Referenced: Module 2
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
2 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
1 Reply

Attached is my lesson plan for the properties of water activity, went well!

Content Referenced: Module 2
2 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
1 Reply

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

is there an electronic version of the phases of inquiry activity that we have to do for this module. I only see the teacher's edition but I would like the draft version so I can use some of it as a hand out.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

is there an electronic version of the phases of inquiry activity that we have to do for this module. I only see the teacher's edition but I would like the draft version so I can use some of it as a hand out.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.