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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Sorry...forgot to upload this lesson before leaving for our camping field trip!

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

For my second lesson, I decided to do the modes of inquiry activity. I did not touch upon the modes in module 2 only the phases. So i will introduce the modes through the scenarios activity provided by the workshop. Attached is my lesson plan

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Here is another lesson plan.

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My students absolutely loved the Modes of Inquiry Scenarios. They were all engaged and enjoyed learning more about their thinking process and what mode they are doing while gaining knowledge. After this mode activity, my students have become more aware of how they gain knowledge, i.e. through technology, induction, deduction. I think the scenarios really helped my students to understand and make connections to the Modes of Inquiry. Thanks for a great lesson!

1 Reply

I just completed teaching my 7th graders the Modes of Inquiry through the "Scenarios" activity introduced to us in Module 1. This activity was so perfectly suited for my students...they were very engaged throughout the activity, especially since the first scenario focused on their Curiosity. An assessment I used at the end of the activity was for each student to do a written reflection on 3 modes of inquiry they use when they are interacting with the ocean (going to the beach, fishing, surfing, etc.), and 3 modes of inquiry they used in a recent class activity.

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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Which reflection do we do if we chose to use the Scenarios activity as a way to introduce the Modes of Inquiry to our students? Do we do the "Processes of Inquiry' reflection listed under Module 2 again, even though I did it already after I taught the Phases of Inquiry? Thanks in advance for your help.

Content Referenced: Module 3
3 Replies

This is similar to a lesson I do with students before covering the theory of evolution. It is very basic, but students did well and grasped the terms as they apply to science.

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e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Where are the Mod 3 Pre and Post assessments? I would like to have the Pre at the beginning of the Module.

Content Referenced: PDE3 (Kaua'i)
1 Reply

I chose to use the Scenarios lesson to introduce the modes of inquiry to my students.

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

Looking forward to this one. My class in going to the North shore of Kaua'i for a residential (cultural and other educational outdoor learning) for two nights/three days. We will be fishing (kanaka lawai'a) among other events, so perhaps we will be printing our own catch. If we get skunked, we can always use the rubbery ones. We'll be printing by the beach, and expect the clean up will be much easier than our indoor classroom.

Content Referenced: What is a Fish?
0 Replies

i am walking into this investigation with a little anxiety because i need to explore with my students the phases of inquiry and the modes of inquiry. i haven't really connected to these terms so this activity will be a challenge.

Content Referenced: Module 2
0 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies

I really liked this lab, but I think the content is a bit too advanced for 8th graders. it's hard for them to get more than a conceptual understanding of the 2:1 ratio in water from this lab. In a high school class, this would be a great lesson.

Content Referenced: Activity: Electrolysis of Water
11 Replies

e.g. I am wondering how to...

Content Referenced: Module 3
0 Replies
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.