Welcome to the Learning Community!
We're glad you're here. Let us help you get started.
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How the community works
Conversations and reviews are started on content pages. Comments are gathered in the community page for members to see. You can search for and reply to other members’ posts in the community.
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A Conversation is a thread to discuss site content. You can start your own or reply to an existing conversation.
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Start a conversation
To start a new conversation, click the "Start a Conversation" box or "Start" button at the bottom of the content page.
Try it now: click the "Start Here" blue box (to the right) to start a conversation.
Try it now: Enter a short title or ask a question. Then insert your message into the text box.
You can also tag your post with a category and upload files. Once you're finished, click "Post" to submit your conversation.
Awesome! Now your conversation will show up on the content page as well as on the Teacher Community page.
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Reviews are like conversations, but they allow you to rate the activities using a 1-5 scale, which is shown as 1-5 water drops.
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Review an activity
Reviews are like conversations, but they allow you to rate the activities using a 1-5 scale, which is shown as 1-5 water drops.
Try it now: Click the "Write a Review" blue box (to the right) to start a review.
Try it now: Enter a short title as you would do normally with your posts.
Try it now: Add your rating, then insert a message into the box.
Just like conversations, click "Post" to submit your review.
Awesome! now your reviews will show up on the activity page you were rating as well as on the Teacher Community page.
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Get Started
Browse the content to start new conversations or reviews. Or, you can simply reply to existing ones!
Check out the "About this Site" menu if you need further assistance using the site.
See you in the community!
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