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Mod 4 LP 3 Errors in Experimentation

This exercise was fun! It took only a short period of time and engaged in a rich discussion. We used it as a gateway to Health & Nutrition. I had a bowl of wrapped organic lolipops in a central location when students returned from lunch. One student immediately noticed and asked if she could have one. I said that they were there and if she would like one she may. All students proceeded to have one. After a few minutes I revealed that I had been conducting a survey and that based on my findings that students preferred organic lolipops to chocolate. They said no. we then took a raised hand poll of the class and 7 of 9 students stated they prefer chocolate. I then revealed that the chocolate was in an open bag by the sink behind the book shelf but no one took any chocolate....a rich discussion ensued and students were rewarded for contributing ideas with a few M&M's each time they offered ideas. They then worked in small table groups to create a better investigation/experiment to get a better survey and create a hypothesis. We had fun and then talked about food opening the door for our next class Nutrition & Health. They were able to feel successful and enjoyed a treat as a reward for their participation. Everyone contributed and all were engaged with good ideas. Mahalo TSI!

Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.