Exciting Chinese language learning opportunities for Spring 2019
CHN 102: Honors Elementary Mandarin 2
CHN 486: Academic/Professional Chinese 2 (WI)
CHN 491: Oral Proficiency through Chinese Films (DH/OC)
Global Public Health Scholars Program
We are happy to announce the Global Public Health Scholars Program, a partnership between the Chinese Language Flagship and Public Health programs that allows students to earn dual degrees in Chinese with Flagship Specialization and Public health. Through this program, students participate in China- and US-based internships and coursework and will graduate well-equipped for a career that involves working across languages and cultures.
Susanne DeVore 于睿珊
Program Coordinator
Chinese Language Flagship Program, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Phone: 808-956-8844
Instagram: hichineseflagship
Twitter: @chnflagshipUHM
Website: manoa.hawaii.edu/chineseflagship/
Facebook: @chineseflagshiphawaii
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7058288
CHN 102A [Honors]
Elementary Mandarin
Open to all Honors eligible students
CRN: 88011
When: MTWF 9:30-10:20AM
Where: Moore 102
Instructor: Kai Liu
Contact: kailiu@hawaii.edu
Priority is given to Freshmen
*Contact Professor Madeline K. Spring 司马德琳老师 at mkspring@hawaii.edu for more info or override. *
CHN 486 (SPRING 2019)
Develop professional reading, writing, listening and speaking skills:
Present written and oral reports as you would in a formal Chinese setting
Debate with classmates about topics related to current events, international affairs, technology, society and more.
Fulfills: Upper-level WI requirement
Time 时间: MWF @ 10:30-11:20AM
Location 地点: TBA
Instructor 教师: Kai Liu 刘老师
Contact Info 教师联系方式: kailiu@hawaii.edu
CRN: 85586
CHN 491 (SPRING 2019)
Prerequisites may be waived based on student’s Chinese speaking ability.
Fulfills: DH, OC
Time: MW @ 1:30-2:45PM
Location: Moore 155A (Mon) & 153A (Wed)
Instructor: Professor Madeline K. Spring
Contact Info: mkspring@hawaii.edu
CRN: 86771
This exciting class will improve your Chinese language fluency and cultural awareness!
Earn two degrees!
Public Health & Chinese w/Flagship Specialization
UNDERSTAND global health promotion & disease prevention
TAKE domestic & China-based coursework
INTERN in Hawaii & China
A Partnership of the Chinese Language Flagship Program and the Office of Public Health Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.
• The Global Public Health Scholars Program combines expertise in public health with professional proficiency in Mandarin and experience in global health settings in both Hawai’i and China.
• Students apply and enroll in the program during their Freshman or Sophomore year.
• No previous knowledge or experience in Chinese language or health science is required.
• Upon successful completion of degree requirements, students earn both a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health and a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese, with Flagship Specialization.
The US federal government considers Chinese critical to the nation’s economic and national well-being. Flagship students engage in rigorous scholarship, achieving high levels of language and cultural proficiency in Mandarin, and are well-equipped of for highly sought-aer jobs. This dual degree program will specifically prepare students for advanced global health opportunities through preparation in both Chinese language and culture, and global public health practice and application. Graduates are well poised to assume leadership roles in international health and policy sectors and advocate for improved global health.
What is Public Health?
Public health is the science dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention in populations and communities. Global health applies public health practice to international health challenges, including clean water access, infectious disease epidemics/outbreaks, addressing climate change through international collaborations, and World Health Organization advocacy for disadvantaged populations. Public health professionals:
• Empower people through health education
• Inform policy to support healthy lifestyles and access to healthcare
• Monitor, address, and prevent disease outbreaks and epidemics
• Prepare for and respond to emerging worldwide disasters
• Conduct research on disease management and injury prevention
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Health is designed to educate undergraduates interested in public health and/or health professions in the broad basic concepts in health education, practice, and research. Flagship students will focus on global health within their public health studies and will complete their internship in China during their senior year. The Mānoa BA in Public Health is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).
For more information about the UH Mānoa Public Health program, visit:
Contact: Public Health Undergraduate Advisor (phadvise@hawaii.edu; (808) 956-5753)
What is the Chinese Language Flagship Program?
The Chinese Language Flagship Program is a federally funded undergraduate program designed to train students to high levels of language and cultural proficiency in combination with an additional major. To reach this goal, students participate in domestic language coursework, intensive summer language programs, and the Flagship Capstone Year in China. During this final year, students take courses in their fields in Chinese at our partner institutions in China and complete an internship related to their professional and academic goals.
The Flagship program provides resources such as scholarship opportunities for overseas study and individual tutoring to scholars who are committed to completing the program.
Graduates of the program are able perform as professionals in their fields in both English and Mandarin. In addition to receiving a UH Mānoa degree, students also receive certification of their language proficiency through the National Security Education Program.
For more information about the Flagship program, visit: manoa.hawaii.edu/chineseflagship/
Contact Susanne DeVore (sdevore@hawaii.edu 808-956-8844) with questions about the Chinese Language Flagship Program.
Susanne DeVore
(808) 956-8844
Public Health: www.hawaii.edu/publichealth
Angela Leonardo phadvise@hawaii.edu
(808) 956-5753