To Subscribe to CCS Listserv
- If you are a currently registered UH student focusing on Chinese Studies, using the email address you would like to subscribe with, send an email to with no subject and the body of the message containing the “subscribe” command followed by the list name ccs-students and your first and last names (e.g., subscribe ccs-students John Doe). Make sure that the subject line is empty and there is no other text in the body of the message, including your email signature.
- If you are a community member, using the email address you would like to subscribe with, send an email to with no subject and the body of the message containing the “subscribe” command followed by the list name ccs-communityand your first and last names (e.g., subscribe ccs-community John Doe). Make sure that the subject line is empty and there is no other text in the body of the message, including your email signature.
- You will receive a message from LISTSERV indicating that you have been subscribed. Alternatively, you will receive an error message if you typed the command incorrectly.
To Unsubscribe from CCS Listserv
- Using the email address you subscribed with, send an email to listserv@lists.hawaii.eduwith no subject and the body of the message containing the “signoff” command followed by the list name (e.g., signoff ccs-community). Make sure that the subject line is empty and there is no other text in the body of the message, including your email signature.
- You will receive a message from LISTSERV indicating that you have been unsubscribed. Alternatively, you will receive an error message if you typed the command incorrectly.