
2025 HICCS Keynote Speaker Announcement

November 20, 2024

The 4th Annual Hawai’i International Conference on Chinese Studies (HICCS) will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii from January 08 to 10, 2025. This conference includes more than 180 papers, and the authors come from the United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Poland, France, Hungary, and other countries. The topics of the submissions cover more than 20 fields such as history, literature, education, philosophy, culture, and religion. The conference agenda will be released to the public in early December.

Please obtain relevant information through the conference website here.

We are pleased to announce with great honor and pleasure that our keynote speaker for this conference will be Dr. Lara Blanchard.

Lara C. W. Blanchard is Luce Professor of East Asian Art at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York. Her interdisciplinary research interests include Chinese arts and literature, particularly gendered images, women artists, women patrons, text-image relationships, and theories of representation. She has published articles about Chinese women in the arts, art historiography, and pictorial arts—painting, woodblock printmaking, photography, and video—from the Song dynasty (960–1279) through the contemporary era. She is the author of Song Dynasty Figures of Longing and Desire: Gender and Interiority in Chinese Painting and Poetry (Brill, 2018).

The topic of Dr. Blanchard’s speech at this conference is: Stitching the Fragments: Reconstructing the Lost Paintings of Chinese Female Artists.

If you want to listen to the latest research of scholars from all over the world in the field of Chinese studies and have a closer in-depth exchange with experts and scholars, this conference will be your perfect opportunity!

The registration price for the conference is $220 USD. If you cancel your registration on or before December 1, 2024, you can apply for a refund (a $25 handling fee will be charged). No refunds will be allowed after December 1, 2024.

After successfully registering for the conference, please email hiccs@hawaii.edu to contact the conference organizing committee staff to send you a formal invitation letter for passport or visa application.

We look forward to seeing you at this coming HICCS!