Students start at whatever level is appropriate for them, as determined by the departmental placement test and discussion with the Flagship Director. Students accelerate their learning by participating in the tutoring program and in summer programs. Scholarships are available to help offset the cost of summer study and travel.
Students start at whatever level is appropriate for them, as determined by the departmental placement test and discussion with the Flagship Director. Students accelerate their learning by participating in the tutoring program and in summer programs. Scholarships are available to help offset the cost of summer study and travel.
Students develop professional, academic, and formal language skills while expanding their knowledge of Chinese culture. Students continue to participate in the tutoring program, but focus on reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities related to their own fields of study. During this level, students apply to the Overseas or Domestic Capstone Year.
Students spend one year at either host institution in China (TBA) or National Yang-Ming University or attend the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. They take high level language courses at the Flagship Center and directly enroll in courses in their fields. All students also complete an internship relevant to their own career goals. Scholarships are available to cover the cost of this program.
As part of the Flagship undergraduate degree program, students are expected to complete Capstone Year Overseas before graduating. Currently there are two Capstone locations – one is overseas and the other is domestic.
During the Overseas Capstone Year in China or Taiwan, you’ll take 2-3 language classes at the Flagship Center, as well as 1-3 classes in your field at host institution in China (TBA) or National Yang-Ming University (NYMU) and complete an internship that makes use of your Chinese language skills.
Note: NYMU accepts applicants for both Fall and Spring semester.
There is also a Domestic Capstone Year in Monterey, California. Our staff can tell you more about this exciting new option at the Defense Language Institute.
Flagship tutoring is different from the one-on-one teaching sessions of your Chinese language courses. It is not homework help or review of what you’ve done in class. Those things are each student’s responsibility and students should talk to their class teachers if they are struggling. Flagship tutoring will be personalized to your language needs. For students from lower levels, it will be a chance to hone their language skills, grammar, vocabulary fluency and pronunciation through practice with expert and native speakers of the language for students from higher levels, they may also develop their professional Chinese in their second field study for students in their precapstone year, they may get instructions based on their individual needs, such as summer program interviews, capstone application, proficiency tests, scholarship applications etc. Each Flagship student receives approximately 8 hours tutoring a week. The tutoring schedule is established at the beginning of the semester based on both student and tutor availability. Tutors are usually graduate students in various fields at UHM. Some are experts in language education while others specialize in Asian Studies, Communications, Etymology, or other fields.
When the tutor sessions are scheduled, it is not allowed to cancel or change without reasons. If you need to reschedule or cancel a specific session, you must notify both the tutor and the coordinator via email at least 48 hours in advance. Otherwise, it will be considered as an unexcused absence. In any emergency and you cannot attend, please inform us as soon as you can.
During tutor sessions, we will ask students to only speak in Chinese. English will not be encouraged. Students should try to communicate meanings via circumlocution, pictures, or gestures instead of speaking English. The tutors are also trained to do so. For tutoring sessions, we encourage appropriate and professional discussions. Please follow the following simple guidelines:
• Treat each other with respect in all types of communication
• No swearing or personal/insulting remarks
• Be careful when using humor or sarcasm as much can be lost in translation and give offense in an online or face-to-face environment
• For online tutoring sessions:
• Please keep your camera on whenever possible. If you need to turn it off simply give the staff a simple head’s up
• Mute your microphone when appropriate, this is at your discretion
• Change your Zoom name to include your Chinese name
Students develop professional, academic, and formal language skills while expanding their knowledge of Chinese culture. Students continue to participate in the tutoring program, but focus on reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities related to their own fields of study. During this level, students apply to the Overseas or Domestic Capstone Year.
Use the button below to make an appointment for a tutoring session.
1960 East-West Road
Biomedical Sciences T111
Honolulu, HI 96822
The University of Hawai’i is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution
©2023 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa • 2500 Campus Road • Honolulu, HI 96822 • (808) 956-8111