Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Capstone Cohort Student Reflection: Jinny Wang

Jinny Wang
November 22, 2022

The workload has kept me busy most of the time, but I do feel like Iā€™m starting to improve my Chinese little by little.

Newly-starting Capstone Year students, Man Ian Woo and Jinny Wang, meeting with continuing Capstone Year students, Lauren Oā€™Connell and Stella Jones

I, Jinny, canā€™t believe itā€™s been a month since I arrived in Taiwan. In this short period of time, I have already experienced so many ups and downs. Before coming to Taiwan, I was really excited to explore the city. But after school started, Iā€™ve come to realize that this is actually an intensive study abroad program and that I actually have to… study. I honestly thought I would have more time for myself to go out and have fun, but this program is much more rigorous than I ever imagined.

The workload has kept me busy most of the time, but I do feel like Iā€™m starting to improve my Chinese little by little. Furthermore, the teachers and staff in Taiwan have been very understanding. Theyā€™re always willing to make adjustments or help students along the way if we canā€™t handle it, so donā€™t be too intimidated to apply for capstone!

Moreover, this program arranged a trip to the city of Tainan and a host family for us to understand Taiwanā€™s culture and history better. I have to say that when Iā€™m not stuck in my room studying and improving my Chinese, Taiwan is a really beautiful place with cheap and delicious food. For example, I went to Dan Shui Old Street last week, saw an amazing view of the river and mountains, and ate some delicious street food that I probably shouldā€™ve taken pictures of (but I ate it before I could do so). Lastly, I have to say that Iā€™m lucky to have met so many amazing and lovely people from this program, as well as a few local Taiwanese students as well. Theyā€™ve been incredibly friendly and supportive, so itā€™s nice to know I have them by my side.